Press releases of the Tropical Institute

New hope in the fight against tuberculosis
Together with UNITE4TB, the largest collaboration between academic partners and pharmaceutical companies for the development of tuberculosis drugs, the Munich Tropical Institute announces the start of clinical trials under the sponsorship of the LMU Klinikum. >>

CROI 2023 press conference in Seattle, Washington
PD Dr. med. Norbert Heinrich (LMU Klinikum München) took part in the press conference of the 30th CROI 2023 (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections) in Seattle, Washington, on February 20, 2023. He reported on the results of the PanACEA SUDOCU study "Panacea Sudoco Combination Dose-Finding Trial Shows Sutezolid is a Safe Oxazolidinone". >>

Three years of the coronavirus pandemic at LMU Munich Hospital
The first COVID-19 case in Germany was made public on January 27, 2020. Dr. Camilla Rothe, Deputy Director of the Tropical Institute, examined the first infected person at the time. At the end of February 2020, the LMU Hospital admitted its first COVID-19 patient as an inpatient. Since then, over 6,000 COVID-19 patients have been treated there. >>
Blood-based biomarkers could facilitate early detection of incipient tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients
Blood-based biomarkers can often indicate the onset of tuberculosis (TB) in HIV-infected people 6 to 12 months earlier than a TB diagnosis via sputum. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the LMU Klinikum, the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) and the U.S. Military HIV Research Program in collaboration with the AFRICOS group.>>

Opening of the Fraunhofer Laboratories for Immunology, Infection and Pandemic Research
On May 6, 2022, the laboratories of the Fraunhofer Site for Immunology, Infection and Pandemic Research in Penzberg were officially opened. The aim of the research is to identify and characterize pandemic pathogens, develop new diagnostics and therapies and better understand the role of the immune system in infectious diseases. >>

Public corona vaccination program in a royal ambience
Get vaccinated where kings once listened: On Thursday, February 10, 2022, the Bavarian Ministry of Science and the Arts is offering interested parties the opportunity to be vaccinated against the coronavirus in an extraordinary atmosphere without prior registration. The event will take place at the Nationaltheater on Max-Joseph-Platz from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. >>