TB epidemiology and clinical cohorts
The focus of the working group is on research into epidemiological and clinical aspects of TB, in particular long-term outcomes of TB infection and therapy (e.g. impairment of lung function, comorbidities and deaths) and on the identification of new markers for the prediction of TB cure or therapy failure.
In addition, the group is involved in the clinical evaluation of new TB diagnostics and new host-directed therapies to improve the pulmonary outcome of TB patients and actively contributes to TB research by organizing and conducting various multicentre and transnational projects (e.g. molecular epidemiology of TB using African samples, international TB cohorts, randomized controlled trials on new therapeutic markers and HDTs, etc.).
The working group also deals with various long-term consequences (cardio-pulmonary, neurological and socio-economic) of COVID-19 disease, and conducts studies on the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections and the prevalence of COVID-19 disease in various African cohorts.
ManagementPD Dr. med. Andrea RachowSpecialist in Internal Medicine and Tropical Medicine, Unit Head "TB Epidemiology and Clinical Cohorts"TeamDr. Olena Ivanova, MD, MPH, PhDScientist and project managerDr. rer. nat. Anna-Maria MekotaClinical Project ManagerAbhishek Bakuli, PhDAffiliated research associateDr. med. univ. Maximilian WekerleSponsor Medical ExpertvgƒlvlälguséioipäiWvimtfulShvfiuyziu-miDoctoral/PhD studentsDenise Banze, MDPhD Studentcand. med. Philine FalkKenneth HayiborPhD Studentcand. med. Sarah RahimiArbeitsgruppe Tuberkulose (TB) Epidemiologie und klinische TB-Kohorten (PD Dr. med. Andrea Rachow)Abdou K. SillaPhD Student, Arbeitsgruppe Tuberkulose (TB) Epidemiologie und klinische TB-Kohorten (PD Dr. med. Andrea Rachow)cand. med. Rebekka WenzelArbeitsgruppe Tuberkulose (TB) Epidemiologie und klinische TB-Kohorten (PD Dr. med. Andrea Rachow)
Ongoing projects
TB Sequel: Pathogenesis and risk factors of long-term pulmonary sequelae defining the individual outcome and public health impact of TB diseaseMDR/XDR TB cohort, assessing lung outcome, at DZIF Eastern European Study Site Funding: DZIFFunding: DZIF
Funding period: 2016 - 2020 and 2021 - 2023
Responsible: PD Dr. med. Andrea Rachow, Dr. Olena Ivanova, MD, MPH, PhD
RaPaed sub-study to investigate chronic pulmonary dysfunction in children with pulmonary tuberculosisCoTB - Tuberculosis as a risk factor for a severe course and adverse long-term outcome of a symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in Johannesburg, South AfricaFunding: Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
Responsible: PD Dr. med. Andrea Rachow, Dr. Olena Ivanova, MD, MPH, PhD