Clinical tropical medicine, travel and migration medicine
The research group evaluated an extensive data set from a joint study with the Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital (LMU Klinikum) on illnesses in underage refugees and asylum seekers. Similar to adult refugees and asylum seekers, the results to date have mainly shown illnesses in this particular patient group that correspond to the usual pediatric and general medical spectrum. In addition, diseases that are more common due to the epidemiology in the countries of origin (e.g. tuberculosis) or are favored by the conditions during the flight (e.g. scabies, skin infections) are relevant. The research group also offers the MeCuM elective seminar "Health problems among migrants". Here, students gain different insights into the health problems and health care of refugees and asylum seekers, but also of people who are in Germany without valid papers and therefore have no access to normal health care. Further information on the MeCuM courses at the Tropical Institute can be found in the Teaching and Further Education section.
ManagementDr. med. Camilla RotheSenior physician, Deputy Head, Head of Outpatient ClinicTeamPD Dr. med. Martin AlbererAffiliated scientistPD Dr. med. Günter FröschlHead of the Teaching & Training Unit (T&TU), Board Member, Center for International Health (CIH)Christian Janke, MSc MPHAssistant doctorH:zplcblgu/Qguoivim:tful_vfiuyziu-miDr. med. Mirjam SchunkSenior physician, deputy head of outpatient clinicDoctoral candidatescand. med. Christoph Großhauser
Ongoing projects
- Travel-associated risks in a large cohort of international travelers from Munich
- Detection of diseases in underage refugees and asylum seekers