Center for International Health (CIH)
The Teaching & Training Unit at the Institute of Tropical Medicine with a focus on infectious diseases and tropical medicine is part of the Center for International Health (CIH). The Center for International Health (CIHLMU) is located at the LMU Klinikum München. Together with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), the LMU Klinikum and academic and healthcare institutions worldwide, the CIHLMU has been promoting international cooperation in the field of medical education and research since 2009.
The vision and overarching goal of the CIHLMU is to empower healthcare professionals. With this vision, the CIH strives to address health-related challenges through capacity building in education and research. With the new OH-TARGET (One Health Training and ReseARch Global NETwork) project, CIHLMU 's vision has expanded to include a more participatory and interdisciplinary approach to improving global health conditions.