One Health: Antimicrobial Resistances (AMR)
Investigation of bacterial spectra and antibiotic resistance in patients, livestock, soil and water samples in various partner countries, with a current focus on Ethiopia. As part of a hospital partnership between the Jimma University Medical Center (JUMC) in Ethiopia and the LMU Klinikum München, we are partners in the COmprehensive Multi-centre Bioinformatics-based Action to Tackle AMR (COMBAT AMR in Africa) network, which consists of 6 different hospital partnerships between German university hospitals and African partners (Ethiopia, Rwanda, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda). This partnership is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with the aim of continuously establishing and consolidating microbiological diagnostics at the African partner institutes. Based on this, data on antimicrobial drug resistance is collected and antibiotic stewardship (ABS) activities are strengthened. In line with the One Health Initiative, the impact of pathogens and resistance from the environment on human medicine is also being investigated. The primary goal is an eHealth strategy for digital data collection, retrieval and analysis, as well as clinical availability. Various interventions in the areas of health information, infrastructure and procedural processes are being examined. Several publications have been developed and published by the working group.
An eHealth AMR data collection and analysis system was initiated at 6 African partner institutions of the COMBAT AMR network. For this purpose, a collaboration with HISP India was established and adapted to the web-based and open source District Health Information Software (DHIS-2) system for the respective institutions. The aim is to provide a mobile information and decision support tool for clinicians regarding antimicrobial therapies against the background of the local AMR situation.
Research on COVID-19
Supported by funding from the Bavarian State Chancellery, a SARS-CoV-2 sero-incidence cohort was developed and initiated in Jimma and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. The analysis of infection kinetics in Ethiopia is carried out in collaboration with Helmholtz Munich, Institute of Computational Biology. Furthermore, funds and infrastructural support for coping with the COVID-19 crisis in Ethiopia were provided and sent.
The protocol for a SARS-CoV-2 seroincidence and prevalence cohort at Jimma University Medical Center (led by Prof. Esayas Kebede Gudina) and St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College in Addis Ababa (led by Dr. Solomon Ali) was developed and includes different populations. Recruitment began in November 2020 and showed an already high seroprevalence in hospital staff and the general population (25 - 35 percent). The subsequent 4-6 weekly follow-up examinations revealed a highly dynamic infection pattern.
ManagementDr. med. Arne KroidlSpecialist in internal medicine, infectiology, unit head: HIV and co-infectionsPD Dr. med. Andreas WieserSenior physician, working group leader, deputy head of laboratory diagnosticsTeamProf. Dr. med. Michael HoelscherDirector, Institute for Infectious and Tropical MedicineAbhishek Bakuli, PhDAffiliated research associateKira ElsberndData AnalystNäcjipumtÜlpgvim fulhvfiuyziuemiDr. rer. nat. Otto GeisenbergerUnit Head Project ManagementVerena CzirnichFinancial Administration, Scientific Administrator DZIF+49 (0)89 4400-59838Sebastian KressiererFinance Administration, "International Medicine & Public Health"+49 (0)89 4400-59824Doctoral candidatesMulatu Gashaw AdbaruPhD Student (Äthiopien)
Ongoing projects
- University and hospital partnerships (HKP) in Africa between LMU Medical Center and Jimma University, Ethiopia; "ESTHER AMR Network"
- Identification, characterization and resistance determination of bacterial pathogens in patients with postoperative wound infection in treatment centers at Jimma University Medical Center, Ethiopia
- DZIF African Partner Institutions
- SARS-CoV-2 seroincidence cohort in Jimma, Ethiopia
- University and hospital partnerships (HKP) in Africa between LMU Medical Center and Jimma University, Ethiopia; "ESTHER AMR Network"