International & Global Health
The research group consists largely of staff from the T&TU (Teaching & Training Unit) and doctoral/master's students from the Institute of Tropical Medicine. The central topic of Global Health is a concept that deals with health problems in a globalized world. Interdisciplinarity and cross-sectoral approaches are fundamental here. International Health makes a special reference to health problems in low- and middle-income countries. In this context, the research group deals primarily with the topics of migration movements, environmental degradation and the consequences of climate change. The area of One Health concerns the interfaces between the environment, animals and humans; here, too, the research group is involved in teaching and research work. In addition, the fields of humanitarian aid (ethics in humanitarian aid, conditions and effects of aid projects) and development cooperation (strengthening health systems) are particular focal points in the area of international health. The working group has been organizing the annual Humanitarian Symposium Munich since 2016.
The research group is active in an advisory capacity in expert groups for the development of the Federal Government's Global Health Strategy, as well as in the departments of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
In addition, the team of the research group supported the COVID-19 activities of the Tropical Institute, including the management of the COVID-19 Testing Unit (CTU; until completion of operations in March 2021) by PD Dr. med.
Since 2019, the Teaching & Training Unit (T&TU) has housed the secretariat of the tropEd Network for Education in International Health, a global network of 25 universities offering education in international and global health at Master's level.
ManagementPD Dr. med. Günter FröschlHead of the Teaching & Training Unit (T&TU), Board Member, Center for International Health (CIH)TeamDr. med. univ. Michel Pletschette, MSc, DTMHSpecialist in microbiology and infection epidemiologyOlyziä-PäibcyzibbiäpdDß ful_vfiuyziu-DmiRayan Korri, PhDtropEd Secretariat Coordinator and Lead Humanitarian Symposium Munich series, CIHBgјngu:eÜüpplvim fulhvfJiuyziusmiTeresa Pérez, M.A.Executive Manager, Center for International Health (CIH)Laura Volbracht, M.A.Project and Communications CoordinatorDoctoral candidatesJia KangbaiPhD StudientNur TukhanovaPhD StudentinElias Ali YesufPhD Studentcand. med. Manuel RaabDoktorandAnna ShinPhD Studentincand. med. Hannah Tuulikki HohlZguugzD Züzävimeful_vfiuyziu miDorothy Obuobi, MScPhD StudentinMaster studentsAnnie Kashung MugambwaMasterandin, Forschungsgruppe "Humanitäre Hilfe und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit"Harinee SrinivasanMasterandinAlumni
Nur Tukhanova, Kazakhstan, 2022, Serological and molecular investigations of Orthohantaviruses in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Anna Shin, Kazakhstan, 2023, Characterization of tick-borne encephalitis virus in Kazakhstan by serological and molecular-biological techniques
Jia Kangbai, Sierra Leone, 2022, Treatment Outcome and Survival Analysis of Ebola Patients Receiving Treatment in Sierra Leone
Ongoing projects
Developing and Validating a Multi-Dimensional Instrument for Measuring the Performance of District Health Systems in a National Region in EthiopiaResponsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, PhD student Elias Ali Yesuf
Treatment Outcome and Survival Analysis of Ebola Patients Receiving Treatment in Sierra LeoneResponsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, PhD student Jia Kangbai
Serological and molecular investigations of Hantaviruses in KazakhstanFunding: Federal Foreign Office
Responsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, PhD student Nur Tukhanova
Characterization of tick-borne encephalitis virus in Kazakhstan by serological, molecular techniques and virus isolationFunding: Federal Foreign Office
Responsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, PhD student Anna Shin
Treatment pathways of patients with Ebola virus disease-like symptoms: a mixed-methods study in a Guinean hospitalResponsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, can. med. Manuel Raab
Access to health care in Germany of pregnant women without legal entitlement of stay and health care: collaboration with the German NGO Ärzte der WeltFunding: Funded by Doctors of the World Germany
Responsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, Wandini Lutchmun, MD, Annie Kashung Mugamba
COVID-19 Testing Unit Munich: Impact of Public Health and Safety Measures on Patient Characteristics and Test Results, January to September 2020Responsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, cand. med. Hannah Tuulikki Hohl
Impact of ivermectin-based attractive toxic sugar bait on Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti, and Culex mosquitoes in GhanaResponsible: PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, PhD student Dorothy Obuobi
Sexual and reproductive health among conflict-affected adolescent girls: a qualitative study using focus group discussions in an urban setting in LebanonResponsible: Dr. Olena Ivanova, MD, MPH, PhD and PD Dr. med. Günter Fröschl, Rayan Korri, PhD
The research group is active in various global health networks, such as:
Funding partner
Projects of the research group are funded by: