
Research projects conducted in our Institute comprise in vitro experiments using primary cells obtained from mice and humans. Standard approaches frequently used in molecular-, cell- and cancer biology are often applied. However, the team also uses more sophisticated laboratory methods and specific bone- and biomechanical as well as muscle function analyses. We also include in vivo experiments using genetically modified mice and relevant disease models in our projects.
The laboratory is well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment required for molecular- and cell biology research as well as with more specific equipment for bone and muscle research.
Project Funding
Our projects are primarily funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), one of the main national funding agencies, through multiple individual grants and the priority program SPP 2084 (µBONE: Colonization and interaction of tumor cells within the bone microenvironment).
The Institute is also a member of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Group HyperMet (FOR 5795, HyperMet: Effects of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy on metabolic health), which investigates the effects of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy on metabolic health.
Additionally, we receive support from the European Union as part of the collaborative research group IMMOSCAN (IMMuneOSteoclasts in CANcer), led by Professor Hanna Taipaleenmäki from the IMM.
Several team members have also secured individual research grants from various funding agencies.
Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine (IMM)
Musculoskeletal University Center Munich (MUM)
82152 Planegg
MUM – Musculoskeletal University Center Munich
80336 München