Prof. Dr.med. Walter Paulus
Klinische Schwerpunkte
Morbus Parkinson, Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, Restless Legs Syndrom, Schmerz, Polyneuropathie
Wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Transcranial Electric Stimulation, Motor cortex physiology, Brain plasticity, Brain connectivity
- Antal A, Alekseichuk I, Bikson M, Brockmöller J, Brunoni AR, Chen R, Cohen LG, Dowthwaite G, Ellrich J, Flöel A, Fregni F, George MS, Hamilton R, Haueisen J, Herrmann CS, Hummel FC, Lefaucheur JP, Liebetanz D, Loo CK, McCaig CD, Miniussi C, Miranda PC, Moliadze V, Nitsche MA, Nowak R, Padberg F, Pascual-Leone A, Poppendieck W, Priori A, Rossi S, Rossini PM, Rothwell J, Rueger MA, Ruffini G, Schellhorn K, Siebner HR, Ugawa Y, Wexler A, Ziemann U, Hallett M, Paulus W. Low intensity transcranial electric stimulation: Safety, ethical, legal regulatory and application guidelines. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017, 128: 1774-1809.
- Alekseichuk I, Turi Z, de Lara G, Antal A, Paulus W. Spatial working memory in humans depends on theta and high gamma synchronization in prefrontal cortex. Current Biology, 2016, 26:1513-21.
- Shirota Y, Sommer M, Paulus W. Strength-Duration Relationship in Paired-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Its Implications for Repetitive TMS. Brain Stimulation, 2017, 9: 755-761.
- Paulus W, Rothwell J. Membrane resistance and shunting inhibition: where biophysics meets state-dependent human neurophysiology. J of Physiology London, 2016, 594: 2719-2728.
- Czesnik D, Howells J, Negro F, Wagenknecht M, Hanner S, Farina D, Burke D, Paulus W. Increased HCN channel driven inward rectification in benign cramp fasciculation syndrome Brain, 2015, 138: 3168-79.
- Antal A, Bikson M, Datta A, Lafon B, Dechent P, Parra LC, Paulus W. Imaging artifacts induced by electrical stimulation during conventional fMRI of the brain. NeuroImage, 2014; 85:1040–1047.
- Antal A, Polania R, Schmidt-Samoa C, Dechent P, Paulus W. Transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex during fMRI. NeuroImage, 2011;55:590-6.
- Moliadze V, Atalay D, Antal A, Paulus W. Close to threshold transcranial electrical stimulation preferentially activates inhibitory networks before switching to excitation with higher intensities. Brain Stimulation, 2012, 5:505-11.
- Moliadze V, Antal A, Paulus W. Boosting brain excitability by transcranial high frequency stimulation in the ripple range. Journal of Physiology, 2010, 588:4891-904.
- Terney D, Chaieb L, Moliadze V, Antal A, Paulus W. Increasing human brain excitability by transcranial high frequency random noise stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience, 2008; 28:14147-55.
1) Klinische Genetik
2) Phänotyp-Genotyp-Korrelation
3) Radiologische Charakterisierung
4) Elektrophysiologie (Transkranielle Magnetstimulation /TMS)
JPND-EU Restoring Motor Deficit in Parkinson’s Disease with Noninvasive Hybrid Transcranial Neuromodulation (2021-2024)
DFG Priority Program SPP 1665 - Resolving and Manipulating Neuronal Networks in the Mammalian Brain: From Correlative to Causal Analysis (2014-2016)
Bernstein Center for Neurotechnology at Göttingen (German Ministry for Research)(2009-2014)
Migraine Research Foundation, New York, Alternating Current Stimulation for the acute treatment of migraine. (2012-2013) Eugene
Rose Foundation: External induction of neuroplasticity in patients with MS (2006-2012)
Niedersachsen-Israel Research Cooperation Program. The antidepressant effects of theta-burst rTMS in patients with major depression and patients with Parkinson's disease with depression (2006-2012)
Bernstein Center Göttingen “Goal-directed external induction of neuroplastic effects by electric or magnetic brain stimulation based on a realistic head/brain model” (German Ministry for Research) (2005-2011)
DFG (German State Research Agency): International Research Training Group GRK 632 with the University College London (coordinator) (2001-2007)
Several project funded by the German Ministry for Research, amongst them: “Dopaminergic stem cell therapy in animal models of Parkinson’s disease” (coordinator) (2000-2007)
VW foundation: “Neuroplasticity of visuospatial cognition” (coordinator) (2000-2004)
Zahra Soltaninejad
Andrea Antal (Göttingen, De)
Robert Chen (Toronto, Ca)
Sasa Filipovic (Belgrad, Se)
Mark Fournelle (St. Ingbert, De)
Mark Hallett (Bethesda, USA)
Michael Nitsche (Dortmund, De)
Angel Peterchef (Duke, USA)
John Rothwell (London, UK)
Grygoriy Tsenov (Prag, Cz)
Yoshikazu Ugawa (Fukushima, Jp)