Kobold Lab
Immunopharmacology - AG Kobold
Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold
Principal Investigator
Lindwurmstraße 2a089/4400-5 7325 089/4400-5 7330
80337 Münchencijgcblgu oüjüämvim-fuSlGvfiuyziu miCVResearch Topics
1. CAR T-cell therapy against solid tumors and leukemias
2. Enabling add-on-strategies for cellular therapies in solid tumors
3. Antibody therapies against several cancer entities
4. Influence of the cytokine Interleukin-22 on promoting tumor growth and metastases
Grants and Networks
Erkrankungsspezifische Modifikation von CAR T-Zellen mit Chemokinrezeptoren.
Funder: DFG
Welcome to the homepage of the Kobold lab “immunopharmacology“!
The goal of our group is to contribute to preclinical development and advancement of novel drugs and immunotherapies against human’s biggest foe: cancer.
Research topics and goals
Within this raising field of immuno-oncology, we mainly focus on engineering of genetically modified T cells, with not only the famous Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cells, but also own proprietary platforms, in several solid tumor type and leukemias. Within this field, we further develop approaches to enhance T cell´s full potential to approach and kill tumor cells via tumor infiltration and trafficking, T cell activation despite antigen escape and inhibition of local immunosuppression within the tumor microenvironment (TME) in vitro and in vivo. [Publications: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
In addition, we also examine how bi- and polyspecific antibodies may bring T cells in the proximity of tumor cells both for enhanced killing in vitro and survival in vivo [Publication: 8]. As the majority of these novel and uncharted approaches to attack solid tumors and leukemias are not approved the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA), our mission is clear: To Make That Happen.
Our group also investigates the interactions of tumor cells and the immune system within the tumor microenvironment (TME), especially at the level of cytokines secreted by tumor and immune cells. For example, we were able to identify the cytokine Interleukin-22 as a unique protein, as it is secreted by immune cells within the TME, but acts on its native Interleukin-22 receptor on tumor cells to promote cancer progression in several cancer models. In our work, we examine its detailed interaction partners and implications for immune cell exhaustion in vitro and in vivo [Publications: 9, 10].
As very little is known about its pro-tumoral and pro-metastastic characteristic,our mission is clear: To Shed Light On The Mechanisms Behind.
Challenges for CAR T-cell therapy in solid tumors
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold
I studied medicine in Bordeaux, Homburg and Zurich and performed my doctoral thesis in the laboratory of C. Renner and A. Knuth in Zurich. After graduating from medical school, I started my residency in Hamburg and worked with D. Atanackovic in the field of tumor immunology. After a stay at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, I established my own research group at the University hospital of the LMU. I am a board certified immunologist and clinical pharmacologist. Since 2019, I serve as Professor of Medicine and Experimental Immunooncology and as deputy director of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital of the LMU. My research is focused on developing and testing novel strategies to treat cancer using the immune system. My goal is to bring these innovations to the clinics to the benefit of patients affected from cancer. Most of my free time is dedicated to my family and in what might be left of it, I run.
Simone Gautier, M.A. , M.E.U.S
Projektmanagement T-OP (since 2016)
cdlvünui/xgfblipvim-ful+vfWiuyziu miT-OPDr. rer. nat. Kerstin Althaus
Projektmanagement IOLIN (since 2023)
oipcblusgäbzgfcvimsful_vfiuyziYuemiIOLINDr. rer. nat. Rosa Elena Andrade Aguirre
Projektmanagement BAYCELLator (since 2023)
pücgsgumpgmivaimefulhvfiuyziuemiBAYCELLAtorTechnical assistants
Susanne Wenk
cfcguuiséiuovim/ful_vfiuyziYu-miMore aboutI did my CTA education in Munich and started my first position at the GSF Munich GH (today: Helmholtz Zentrum). After my parental time I came back to University Hospital of the LMU. In the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital of the LMU I worked in different groups and since 2011 in the group of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kobold. I have been responsible for a lot of different things, as e.g. for the organization of the relocation of the whole division to the Kubus 2015. Now, my primary responsibility is to manage the Kobold lab and to introduce all new members to their new working environment. My goal is to take care that we work in a nice and friendly atmosphere and help wherever I can. In my spare time I like to go hiking, skiing, sailing and traveling around the world with my family and friends. I try to ride my bike as often as I can.
Pedro Mesquita, M. Sc.
TA (since 2022)
Pimpüecüilvgvim-fuDl+vfiuyziJu miWeronika Szulejko
TA (since 2025)
UipdüuloDg Rdßfäikoüvim fuSl_vfiuyziusmiPostdocs
Dr. rer. nat. Daria Briukhovetska
Post-Doc (since 2018)
mgplg :jplfozüqibcogvim ful+vfiuyziu miDr. med. Adrian Gottschlich
Post-Doc (since 2019)
gmplgua xYübbcyzYälyzvimefual#vfiuyziu miDr. med. Sophia Stock, MHBA
cüözlg;scbüyovimtfulrvfiuyziausmiMore aboutI studied Human Medicine at the Heidelberg University and Paris Descartes University. I performed my doctoral thesis in the laboratory of M. Schmitt in Heidelberg. After graduating from medical school, I started my residency in the hematology and oncology department at the University Hospital of the LMU Munich. I joined the working group of M. Subklewe in the field of translational cancer immunology. Since September 2020, I have been a fellow of the DKTK School of Oncology. Due to the support of the Else Kröner-Fresenius Clinician Scientist Program Cancer Immunotherapy and the Munich Clinician Scientist Program (MCSP) I have worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the working group of S. Kobold since April 2021. My ambition is to work as a Clinician Scientist specializing on immunotherapy. I spend most of my free time with my family and friends.
Dr. Iman Dalloul
EWvgueMgääüfävim fulhnvfiuyziusmiMore aboutI studied Biology and I completed my master’s degree in the field of immunotherapy in Lebanon. In 2014, I moved to France to do my PhD in the in the field of Immunogenetics in the CRIBL laboratory (Contrôle de la réponse Immune B et Lymphoproliférations) in Limoges under the supervision of Michel COGNÉ and Jeanne COOK-MOREAU. After my PhD, I worked for one year as a post-doctoral researcher in Bordeaux under the supervision of Maya SALEH in the ImmunoConcEpT laboratory (Immunology from Concept and Experiments to Translation). In 2022, I started a new post-doctoral position at the University Hospital of the LMU in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology. My research work aims to use the immune system in order to treat solid tumors. I like to spend my vacations travelling which allow me to learn and to discover new cultures and places.
Dr. rer. nat. Donjete Simnica
Post-Doc (since 2022)
müu;kibi clvulygvim fulrYvfiuyziusmiMore aboutI studied nutritional sciences in Hamburg and Munich. My master´s thesis, which I conducted in Cork/Ireland, focused on the interplay of immune cells and pain receptors in inflammatory bowel diseases. Back in Germany, I entered the field of immune receptor repertoires in the group of Prof. Dr. Mascha Binder where I also obtained my PhD in December 2020. Using high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatic methods we set out to find immune repertoire imprints that help to identify patients who benefit from immune therapies. My research in the group of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kobold focuses on the identfication of tumor-specific targets and subsequent design and testing of novel immune cell therapies. Future goals include to learn more about our fascinating immune cells and use this knowledge to generate potent treatments from which hopefully many patients can benefit. In my free time I like to do yoga, go running and practice on my keyboard.
Dr. med. Ngoc-Thien-Thu Nguyen
bzf uxfјiuvim-ful_vfiuyziuemiDr. phil. Marcel Trefny
vYgpyiätbpiwuјvim fuSl#vfiuJyziutmiSayantan Nandi, Ph. D.
Research Assistent (since 2022)
RgјgubgusDTgumlvimsful_vfiuyziu miArman Öner, Dr. med.
gpvgu üiuipvim ful_vfiuayziuemiJanina Dörr, Ph. D.
Post-Doc (since 2024)
kgulug/müippvimsful_vfiuyziuemiNatasha Samson, Ph. D.
Post-Doc (since 2024)
TgWbgczg Rgvcdüunvim-ful_vfiYuyziu miStefanos Michaelides, Dr. med.
Post Doc (since 2025)
Doctoral researchers
Lisa Gregor
älcgsxpixüpvimsful#vfiuyziuemiMore aboutI studied General Biology in my bachelor’s during which I investigated mechanisms of epigenetics and the methyltransferase Dnmt1 in the group of H. Leonhardt. Throughout my master’s degree in Human Biology at the LMU I focused on Immunology and Molecular Oncology, where I studied the combined therapeutic benefits of radio- and immunotherapy in cancer in the group of O. Boyman in Zürich, Switzerland. I started my PhD during fall 2021 in the Kobold Lab, where I now work on the development of cellular therapies for solid tumor entities. My free time I mostly spend with friends and family, I like travelling, eating, and enjoying life without a pipette in my hand!
Emanuele Carlini, M. Sc.
ivgu:fiäisygDpälulvim-fulY_vfiuyziusmiMore aboutI graduated from King's College London with a Bachelor's in Pharmacology and from ETH Zurich with a Master's in Pharmaceutical Sciences. After conducting my Master Thesis at the University Hospital of Basel, focusing on immunology and cancer immunotherapy, I moved to Munich for my PhD studies.
At LMU, my work is concerned with investigating how to properly harness the function of cytokines to support and improve the efficacy of cellular therapies against cancer via the generation of chimeric cytokine receptors.
David Andreu Sanz, M. Sc.
mgqlmsgumpifvim/ful_vfiuyziuemiMore aboutI am a biotechnologist from Barcelona with a master’s in biomedical research. During my bachelor's studies, I had the chance to explore very different areas of research, including transcriptomics and embryology. During my master’s degree, I discovered my interest in cancer cell therapy and conducted my master thesis in Coquet lab at Karolinska Institutet in the field of tumor immunology. I am currently part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie training network for Optimizing Adoptive T Cell Therapy of Cancer (T-OP) and my PhD project aims to improve CAR T cell functionality with cytokine signaling. In my free time I enjoy playing the piano and learning languages.
Thaddäus Strzalkowski
bzgmmgifc-cbpßngäoüécolvim-fualrvfiJuyziusmiMore aboutHi there, I am a 3rd year MD student at TU Munich currently working on my doctoral thesis at Prof. Kobold’s lab. In the group, I am working with special and newly designed CAR-T Cells to overcome the current hurdles of the tumor micro-environment in solid tumors. We try to enhance the migration of CAR-T Cells towards the tumor using in vitro and in vivo models. I will choose a medical profession where I can combine the aspects of research and patient treatment, but I don’t know exactly which one, yet. In my free time I like to connect, read, run and relax with friends in the Englischer Garten. I would rate my time at the lab 10/10.
Lina Majed
älugsvgSkimvimsDf:ul_vfiuyziu miMore aboutI did my Abitur in Munich and eventually started my medical studies at the LMU in 2018. During my preclinical studies I was able to participate in a research program, where I got the opportunity to get insight on experimental research and developed a big interest in that field. So I decided to do my doctoral thesis in the group of Kobold/ Endres. In the future I aim to become a clinician scientist to combine clinical work with experimental research. Whenever I got free time I either read, play the violin or do Karate.
Philipp Jie Müller
öz vfiääipvim ful+vfiuyziu/miMore aboutAs I finished my high school diploma in Pforzheim in 2018, my dream came true to study medicine in Bavarian’s metropolitan area Munich. After the preclinical studies at the Luwig-Maximilians-University Munich and the first state examination in summer 2020, I continued the clinical part of my degree at the Technical University of Munich and the Klinikum rechts der Isar. At the DoktaMed 2020, I experienced the KlinPharm and the Kobold lab the first time, and was thrilled of their working spirit and future goals. Fortunately, my time within our group started in August 2021, as my first day was a pretty memorable hike from Schliersee to Tegernsee. To current state, I am working on the roles of cytokines in immune cell crosstalk and cancer progression, in particular the cytokine Interleukin-22 and its influence on metastases spreading. Besides, my work also includes doing immunofluorescence miscrocopy on human lung cancer tissues to ameliorate the understanding of Interleukin-22-secreting cells as well as their interaction partners. This brings me to my goals, to contribute to the everlasting work for improved understanting of cancer and its possible therapies. Concerning the future, it is my goal to further pursue research activities and at the same time clinical work with cancer patients on the university hospital level. After a hard lab day, I love to enjoy the best noodle place in Munich, the Max Beef Noodles Restaurant at the Sendlinger Tor. In addition, if I am not thinking of any lab work or clinical cases, I spent my leisure time pubquizzing with friends, biking in and around Munich, hiking in the alps and playing the guitar to four chord music hits.
Vivien Menkhoff
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2023)
qlqliutviuozüwwvim fDulrvfiuyziu miMore aboutI have been a medical student at LMU Munich for nine semesters now and have just started doing research for my doctoral thesis at the AG Kobold lab. I get to study and work on modular CAR T cell therapy which combines CAR T cells with monoclonal antibodies to further improve the efficacy of CAR T cell therapy while also providing the means to regulate CAR T cell function. Aside from my very interesting research topic I also appreciate the friendly and encouraging working atmosphere that is always present in the lab.
After finishing my medical studies, I want to work as a clinician scientist, preferably at LMU Munich.
In my free time I enjoy doing ballet, reading, biking and spending time with my friends and family.
Viktoria Hartmann
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2023)
qlSobüplg-zgpbvg:uunvnim ful_vfiuyziu/miMore aboutI am a medical doctoral candidate who completed my preclinical studies at the University of Rostock, before relocating to Munich among other things because of its exceptional opportunities in experimental research. I am currently working on tracking interleukin-22-producing cells migrating from the tumor microenvironment to other organs using FACS analysis and confocal microscopy. I hope to elucidate the mechanisms that allow these cells to migrate and contribute to tumor growth. Ultimately, this work could lead to the development of new treatments or interventions that can prevent or slow the spread of cancer.
In my free time, I enjoy bouldering, hiking, and reading books. I find that these activities help me recharge and keep me motivated in my work.
Sophie Bernhard
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe)
cüözlisjipuzgDpmvi,m-ful+vfiuyziu miPia Winter
ölJgsélubnipvimdt:ful+vfiuyziu miMore aboutI am currently pursuing my medical degree at the Ludwig Maximilian’s Universität in Munich (LMU), during which I have completed various internships in the department of internal medicine such as cardiology and emergency medicine, as well as a few semesters of work at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine (LMU). With my doctoral thesis in the laboratory of the Clinical Pharmacology Department with AG Kobold/Endres (LMU) focusing on the immunotherapy of solid tumors, I hope to be able to contribute a little bit to the diverse field of possible novel treatments in oncology. Outside of university I can often be found in the mountains, either skiing, hiking or eating blueberries.
Mara Henrich
doctoral researcher (PhD track) (since 2023)
v;gpg ziuplyzvim ful+vfiuyziutmiChristina Tsiverioti
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2022)
HzplcblugsKclqiplübly:gva,öfcsävfdsmiEmre Erdogan
doctoral researcher (PhD track, BAYCELLator) (since 2023)
N Npmüxguvim ful+vfiuyziusmiBAYCELLAtorMila Gislon
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2022)
vlägsxlcäüJuvim faul_vfiuyziWuem:iLuisa Fertig
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2022)
äflcgewipblxnJvimsfulGavfiuyziu mWiGordon Hoffmann
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2023)
xüpmüuszüwwvguuvimsful#vfiuyziu-miRasmus Müller
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2023)
Bgcvfc Ofiääipvimsful_vfiuyziu miCharlotte Carcopino
doctoral researcher (PhD track, BAYCELLator) (since 2023)
HzgpDäübbieHgpyüöluüvimefulrvfiuyziutmiBAYCELLatorJakob Harwood
doctoral researcher (PhD track) (since 2024)
Qgoüj Zg;péüümvim ful,rvfiuyziutmiAnja Hauptstein
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2024)
FukgsZgföbcabiluviSm faul#vfiuyziSusmiPhilipp Menauer
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2024)
Pzlälönö-OigSugfidpvim fulrvfiuyziJu miDaria Shvets
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2024)
Mgplg Rzqibcvim fulh;vfiuyziuemiThomas Janert
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2024)
KzüvgcD Qguipbvimeful_vfiuyziu mWiSeoyoung Jang
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2024)
Riüјüfux QguxnSvim ful_vfiuyziuemiKathrin Großhauser
doctoral researcher (PhD track) (since 2024)
Ügbzplu dXpücczgfcipvimeful_vfDiJuyziu-miAnja Surla
Master student (since 2024)
FaukDg-RfpJägvim-ful_vfiuyziusmiWendy den Hartog
doctoral researcher (PhD track) (since 2024)
Uiu,maјsMiuvim ful+vfiuyziYutdmiAnna Böhm
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2024)
Lilli Ballheimer
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2025)
Jana Engesser
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2025)
QgugeNuxiccipDvim-fulhvfiuyziutmiMara Rachel Manieri
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2025)
Philipp Daniel Penovici
doctoral researcher (MD track) (since 2025)
Simon Delahais
doctoral researcher (PhD track) (since 2025)
RlvüuaeMiägzgYlcvim funl#vfiuyziSusmi -
Top Papers
Doctoral students as co-authors are underlined (starting in 1998)
- Gottschlich A, Thomas M, Grünmeier R, Lesch S, Rohrbacher L, Igl V, Briukhovetska D, Benmebarek MR, Vick B, Dede S, Müller K, Xu T, Dhoqina D, Märkl F, Robinson S, Sendelhofert A, Schulz H, Umut Ö, Kavaka V, Tsiverioti Ch, Carlini E, Nandi S, Strzalkowski T, Lorenzini T, Stock S, Müller P, Dörr J, Seifert M, Cadilha B, Brabenec R, Röder N, Rataj F, Nüesch M, Modemann F, Wellbrock J, Fiedler W, Kellner Ch, Beltrán E, Herold T, Paquet D, Jeremias I, von Baumgarten L, Endres S, Subklewe M, Marr C, Kobold S. (2023). Single-cell transcriptomic atlas-guided development of CAR-T cells for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Nature Biotechnology, 41 (11), 1618-1632. doi:10.1038/s41587-023-01684-0. JIF2022=68,2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36914885/
- Briukhovetska, D., Suarez-Gosalvez, J., Voigt, C., Markota, A., Giannou, A. D., Schubel, M., Jobst, J., Zhang, T., Dorr, J., Markl, F., Majed, L., Muller, P. J., May, P., Gottschlich, A., Tokarew, N., Lucke, J., Oner, A., Schwerdtfeger, M., Andreu-Sanz, D., Grunmeier, R., Seifert, M., Michaelides, S., Hristov, M., Konig, L. M., Cadilha, B. L., Mikhaylov, O., Anders, H. J., Rothenfusser, S., Flavell, R. A., Cerezo-Wallis, D., Tejedo, C., Soengas, M. S., Bald, T., Huber, S., Endres, S., & Kobold, S. (2023). T cell-derived interleukin-22 drives the expression of CD155 by cancer cells to suppress NK cell function and promote metastasis. Immunity, 56(1), 143-161 e111. doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2022.12.010. JIF2021=43,4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36630913/
- Briukhovetska, D., Dorr, J., Endres, S., Libby, P., Dinarello, C. A., & Kobold, S. (2021). Interleukins in cancer: from biology to therapy. Nature Reviews Cancer, 21(8), 481-499. doi:10.1038/s41568-021-00363-z. JIF2021=69,8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34083781/
- Lesch S, Blumenberg V, Stoiber S, Gottschlich A, Ogonek J, Cadilha B, Dantes Z, Rataj F, Dorman K, Lutz J, Karches C, Heise C, Kurzay M, Larimer B, Grassmann S, Rapp M, Nottebrock A, Kruger S, Tokarew N, Metzger P, Hoerth Ch, Benmebarek MR, Dhoqina D, Gruenmeier R, Seifert M, Oener A, Umut Ö, . . . Rothenfusser S, Duewell P, Koenig L, Schnurr M, Subklewe M, Liss A, Halama N, Reichert M, Mempel T, Endres S, Kobold S. (2021). T cells armed with C-X-C chemokine receptor type 6 enhance adoptive cell therapy for pancreatic tumours. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 5 (11), 1246-1260. doi:10.1038/s41551-021-00737-6. JIF2021=29,23. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-021-00737-6
- Cadilha B, Benmebarek MR, Dorman K, Oener A, Lorenzini T, Obeck H, Väntinnen M, Di Pilato M, Pruessmann JN, Stoiber S, Huynh D, Maerkl F, Seifert M, Manske K, Suarez-Gosalvez J, Zeng Y, Lesch S, Karches CH, Heise C, Gottschlich A, Thomas M, Marr C, Zhang J, Pandey D, Feuchtinger T, Subklewe M, Mempel TR, Endres S, Kobold S. (2021). Combined tumor-directed recruitment and protection from immune suppression enable CAR T cell efficacy in solid tumor. Science Advances, 7 (24). doi:10.1126/sciadv.abi5781. JIF2022=13,6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34108220/
- Benmebarek MR, Cadilha B, Hermman M, Lesch S, Schmitt S, Stoiber S, Darwich A, Augsberger Ch, Brauchle B, Rohrbacher L, Oener A, Seifert M, Schwerdtfeger M, Gottschlich A, Rataj F, Fenn NC, Klein Ch, Subklewe M, Endres S, Hopfner KP, Kobold S. (2021). A modular and controllable T cell therapy platform for acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia, 35, 2243-2257. JIF2021=12,88. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33414484/
- Di Pilato M*, Kfuri-Rubens R*, Pruessmann J*, Ozga AJ*, Messemaker, M, Cadilha B, Sivakumar R, Cianciaruso Ch, Warner RD, Marangoni F, Carrizosa E, Lesch S, Billingsley J, Perez-Ramos D, Zavala F, Rheinbay E, Luster AD, Gerner MY, Kobold S, Pittet MJ, Mempel TR. (2021). CXCR6 positions cytotoxic T cells to receive critical survival signals in the tumor microenvironment. Cell, 184 (17), 4512-4530. *contributed equally. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2021.07.015. JIF2022=66,85. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0092867421008564?dgcid=co author
Liu X, Li J, Cadilha B, Markota A, Voigt C, Huang Z, Lin P, Wang D, Juncheng D, Kranz G, Krandick A, Libl D, Zitzelsberger H, Zagorski I, Braselmann H, Pan M, Zhu S, Huang Y, Niedermeyer S, Reichel Ch, Uhl B, Briukhovetska D, Suarez Gosalvez J, Kobold S, Gires O, Wang H. (2019). Epithelial-type systemic breast carcinoma cells with a restricted mesenchymal transition are a major source of metastasis. Science Advances, 5 (6), eaav4275.doi:10.1126/sciadv.aav4275. JIF2022=13,6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31223646/
Ferrari de Andrade, L., Tay, R. E., Pan, D., Luoma, A. M., Ito, Y., Badrinath, S., Tsoucas, D., Franz, B., May, K. F., Jr., Harvey, C. J., Kobold, S., Pyrdol, J. W., Yoon, C., Yuan, G. C., Hodi, F. S., Dranoff, G., & Wucherpfennig, K. W. (2018). Antibody-mediated inhibition of MICA and MICB shedding promotes NK cell-driven tumor immunity. Science, 359(6383), 1537-1542. doi:10.1126/science.aao0505. JIF2021=47,73. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29599246/
Voigt C*, May P*, Gottschlich A*, Markota A, Wenk D, Gerlach I, Voigt S, Stathopoulos GT, Arendt K, Heise C, Rataj F, Janssen KP, Königshoff M, Winter H, Himsl I, Thasler W, Schnurr M, Rothenfußer S, Endres S, Kobold S. (2017). Cancer cells induce interleukin-22 production from memory CD4+ T cells via interleukin-1 to promote tumor growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114 (49), 12994-12999. *contributed equally. doi:10.1073/pnas.1705165114. JIF2021=12,77. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29150554/
Kobold* S, Grassmann* S, Chaloupka M, Lampert C, Wenk S, Kraus F, Rapp M, Duewell P, Zeng Y, Schmollinger J, Schnurr M, Endres S#, Rothenfußer S#. (2015). Impact of a new fusion receptor on PD-1-mediated immunosuppression in adoptive T cell therapy. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 107. *contributed equally to this study, # share senior authorship. JIF2021=11,81. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26105028
Kobold S, Steffen J, Chaloupka M, Grassmann S, Henkel J, Castoldi R, Zeng Y, Chmielewski M, Schmollinger J, Schnurr M, Rothenfußer S, Schendel DJ, Abken H, Sustmann C, Niederfellner CG, Klein C, Bourquin C, Endres S. (2014). Selective bispecific T cell recruiting antibody enhances anti-tumor activity of adoptive T cell transfer. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 107:364. JIF2021=11,81. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25424197/
Kobold S, Völk S, Clauditz T, Küpper NJ, Minner S, Tufmann A, Düwell P, Lindner M, Koch I, Heidegger S, Merk M, Rothenfußer S, Schnurr M, Huber RM, Sauter G, Wilczak W, Endres S. (2013). Interleukin-22 is frequently expressed in small-and large- cell lung cancer and promotes growth in chemotherapy-resistant cancer cells. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 8:1032-1042. JIF2021=20,12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23774470/
All Publications
We welcome unsolicited applications at all levels: for doctoral students of medicine and natural sciences, research assistant, technician and post-doctoral researcher. Please send your motivation letter, along with your CV and the contact of two references to:
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cijgcblgu oüj,üämvim ful_vfiuyziu miUniv.-Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold bietet Studierenden der Medizin und Naturwissenschaftlicher Fächer eine persönliche Beratung rund um Fragen der Promotion zum Dr. med., Dr. hum. biol, Dr. rer. nat. oder PhD, insbesondere an der medizinischen Fakultät der LMU an. Ziel ist es über Chancen und Hürden der Promotion im Bezug auf die persönliche Situation zu informieren und zur Orientierung zu verhelfen.