Rothenfußer Lab
Intracellular Immunity
Prof. Dr. med. Simon Rothenfußer
Lindwurmstraße 2a089 4400-57321
80337 MünchenclvüJu pübziuwfccipvimtful+vfiuyziuemi -
Recent Research Highlights
In collaboration with the Helmholtz Center Munich (EKLiP) and the Department of Infectious and Tropical Medicine, a biobank and observational study with 250 participants infected with the attenuated yellow fever vaccine virus YF-17D was established. The study aims to investigate the influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on an antiviral immune response, to identify early predictors for the strength of the individual adaptive immune response, and to find out what makes this vaccine, empirically developed in 1930, so potent. In cooperation with the working groups of Dr. Kai Dallmeier at the Rega Institute in Leuven, and Dr. Beate Kümmerer at the University of Bonn, three new fluorescence-based assays were developed to test the activity of neutralizing antibodies in sera against the yellow fever vaccine virus and other flaviviruses. These allow for a significant simplification and acceleration of measurement compared to previously established methods. Together with Dr. Giovanna Barba-Spaeth at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, it was shown that pre-existing vaccination against the TBE virus followed by vaccination against the yellow fever virus induces large amounts of non-neutralizing antibodies that cross-react with a variety of flaviviruses and through the phenomenon of "antibody-dependent enhancement" (ADE), can increase the risk of a severe course in case of infection with the dengue or Zika virus.
In collaboration with Prof. A. Krug from the Institute of Immunology and Dr. C. Geldermacher from the Department of Infectious and Tropical Medicine, the differences and similarities in the activation profiles of antigen-presenting cells from patients with mild SARS-Cov2 infection and participants after yellow fever vaccination were elucidated.
In a case of a patient with agammaglobulinemia and the flare-up of a chronic uncontrollable rubella infection many years after the presumed primary infection, it was shown that escape mutations of the virus in immunodominant peptides for the patient-specific HLA type, as well as the development of an exhausted T-cell phenotype in the patient, were responsible for the loss of virus control with ultimately fatal outcome.
Prof. Dr. med. Simon Rothenfußer
Principal Investigator (since 2006)
clvüuspübziuwfccip;vim-ful_vfaiuyziu miDr. rer. nat. Hadi Karimzadeh
Post-Doc (since 2019)
zgml ogplvßgmizvimsfulrvfiuyziu miMagdalena Zaucha, M. Sc.
doctoral researcher (PhD track) (since 2018)
vgxmgäiugsßgfyzg::vim ful_vfiuyziuJemiAntonio Santos Del Peral, M. Sc.
doctoral researcher (PhD track) (since 2019)
gubüulücgubücöipgäzübvgläeyüvTheresa Seifert
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2021)
bzipicg cilwipbvim ful+vfiuynziutmiElena Nikolova
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2021)
iäiug uloüäüqgvim ful_Yvfiu;yziu-mdiShenzhi Jia
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2023)
cziußzln klgygvöSfcsäYvf mWiFlorian Jahrbeck
(MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2023)
wäüplgu kgzpjiyovim ful+vfiuyziu miDr. rer. nat. Maria Garcia Bengoa
(since 2024)
Ogpl:geAiuxügvimsful_vfiuy;;ziu-miHelen Stirling
doctoral researcher (since 2024)
Ziäiu-RblpäluxvimsfulGvfiuyziu-miSelin Sogukcelik
doctoral researcher (MD track, FöFoLe) (since 2025)
Selected Papers
Doctoral students as co-authors are underlined (starting in 1998)
- Santos-Peral, A., F. Luppa, S. Goresch, E. Nikolova, M. Zaucha, L. Lehmann, F. Dahlstroem, H. Karimzadeh, J. Thorn-Seshold, E. Winheim, E.-M. Schuster, G. Dobler, M. Hoelscher, B.M. Kümmerer, S. Endres, K. Schober, A.B. Krug, M. Pritsch, G. Barba-Spaeth, and S. Rothenfusser.
Prior flavivirus immunity skews the yellow fever vaccine response to expand cross-reactive antibodies with increased risk of antibody dependent enhancement of Zika and dengue virus infection.
Nature communications, 2024 (in press).
JIF2022 17.7
Prepublished on Bioarchives: - Briukhovetska D, Suarez-Gosalvez J, Voigt C, Markota A, Giannou A, Schuebel M, Jobst J, Zhang T, Doerr J, Mearkl F, Majed L, Meuller PJ, May P, Gottschlich A, Tokarew N, Leucke J, Oener A, Schwerdtfeger M, Andreu-Sanz D, Gruenmeier R, Seifert M, Michaelides S, Hristov M, Koenig LM, Cadilha B, Mikhaylov O, Anders HJ, Rothenfusser S, Flavell R, Cerezo-Wallis D, Tejedo C, Soengas M, Bald T, Huber S, Endres S, Kobold S.
T cell-derived interleukin-22 drives the expression of CD155 by cancer cells to suppress NK cell function and promote metastasis.
Immunity 2023; 143-161.e11.
JIF2022 43.5 - Winheim E, Eser T, Deák F, Ahmed MIM, Baranov O, Rinke L, Eisenächer K, Santos-Peral A, Karimzadeh H, Pritsch M, Scherer C, Muenchhoff M, Hellmuth JC, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Olbrich L, Hoelscher M, Wieser A, Kroidl I, Rothenfusser S, Geldmacher C, Krug AB.
Distinct and dynamic activation profiles of circulating dendritic cells and monocytes in mild COVID-19 and after yellow fever vaccination.
European Journal of Immunology 2023; 53:e2250090.
JIF2022 4.4 - Scheck MK, Lehmann L, Zaucha M, Schwarzlmueller P, Huber K, Pritsch M, Barba-Spaeth G, Thorn-Seshold O, Krug AB, Endres S, Rothenfusser S, Thorn-Seshold J.
FluoRNT: A robust, efficient assay for the detection of neutralising antibodies against yellow fever virus 17D.
PLOS One 2022; 17:e0262149.
JIF2021 3.8 - Winheim E, Rinke L, Lutz K, Reischer A, Leutbecher A, Wolfram L, Rausch L, Kranich J, Wratil PR, Huber JE, Baumjohann D, Rothenfusser S, Schubert B, Hilgendorff A, Hellmuth JC, Scherer C, Muenchhoff M, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Stark K, Straub T, Brocker T, Keppler OT, Subklewe M, Krug AB.
Impaired function and delayed regeneration of dendritic cells in COVID-19.
PLOS Pathogens 2021; 17:e1009742.
JIF2020 6.2 - Boehmer D, Formisano S, de Oliveira Mann C, Mueller S, Kluge M, Metzger P, Rohlfs M, Hörth Ch, Kocheise L, Lichtenthaler S, Hopfner KP, Endres S, Rothenfusser S, Friedel C, Duewell P, Schnurr* M, Koenig* L.
OAS1/RNase L executes RIG-I ligand-dependent tumor cell apoptosis.
Science Immunology 2021; 61, eabe2550.
JIF2020 30.6 - Lesch S, Blumenberg V, Stoiber S, Gottschlich A, Ogonek J, Cadilha B, Dantes Z, Rataj F, Dorman K, Lutz J, Karches C, Heise C, Kurzay M, Larimer B, Grassmann S, Rapp M, Nottebrock A, Kruger S, Tokarew N, Metzger P, Hoerth Ch, Benmebarek MR, Dhoqina D, Gruenmeier R, Seifert M, Oener A, Umut Ö, . . . Rothenfusser S, Duewell P, Koenig L, Schnurr M, Subklewe M, Liss A, Halama N, Reichert M, Mempel T, Endres S, Kobold S.
T cells armed with C-X-C chemokine receptor type 6 enhance adoptive cell therapy for pancreatic tumours
Nature Biomedical Engineering 2021; 35:2243-2257.
JIF2020 20.0 - Linder A, Bothe V, Linder N, Schwarzlmüller P, Dahlström F, Bartenhagen Ch, Dugas M, Pandey D, Thorn-Seshold J, Boehmer D, König LM, Kobold S, Schnurr M, Rädler J, Spielmann G, Karimzadeh H, Schmidt A, Endres S, Rothenfusser S.
Defective interfering genomes and the full-length viral genome trigger RIG-I after infection with vesicular stomatitis virus in a replication dependent manner.
Frontiers in Immunology 2021; 12:595390.
JIF2020 6.4 - Boehmer D, Koehler L, Magg T, Metzger P, Rohlfs M, Ahlfeld J, Rack-Hoch A, Reiter K, Albert M, Endres S, Rothenfusser S, Klein Ch, Koenig L, Hauck F.
A novel complete autosomal recessive STAT1 LOF variant causes immunodeficiency with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis-like hyperinflammation.
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2020; 8:3102-3111.
JIF2019 10.3 - Huber J*, Ahlfeld J*, Scheck M, Zaucha M, Witter K, Lehmann L, Karimzadeh H, Pritsch M, Hölscher M, von Sonnenburg F, Dick A, Barba-Spaeth G, Krug A, Rothenfußer S*, Baumjohann D* .
Dynamic changes in circulating T follicular helper cell composition predict neutralizing antibody responses after yellow fever vaccination.
Clinical & Translational Immunology 2020; 9:e1129.
* equally contributed
JIF2019 6.5 - Ruzicka M, König L, Formisano S, Boehmer D, Vick B, Heuer EM, Meinl H, Kocheise L, Zeitlhoefler M, Ahlfeld J, Kobold S, Endres S, Subklewe M, Duewell P, Schnurr M, Jeremias I, Lichtenegger F, Rothenfusser S.
RIG-I-based immunotherapy enhances survival in preclinical AML models and sensitizes AML cells to checkpoint blockade.
Leukemia 2020; 34:1017-1026.
JIF2019 9.9 - Hoffmann F, Schmidt A, Dittmann Chevillotte M, Wisskirchen C, Hellmuth JC, Willms S, Gilmore RH, Glas J, Folwaczny M, Müller T, Berg T, Spengler U, Fitzmaurice K, Kelleher D, Reisch N, Rice CM, Endres S, Rothenfusser S.
Polymorphisms in MDA-5 link protein function to clearance of hepatitis C virus.
Hepatology 2015; 61:460-70.
JIF 10.4 - Poeck H, Bscheider M, Gross O, Finger K, Roth S, Rebsamen M, Hannesschläger N, Schlee M, Rothenfusser S, Barchet W, Kato H, Akira S, Inoue S, Endres S, Peschel C, Hartmann G, Hornung V, Ruland J.
Recognition of RNA virus by RIG-I results in activation of CARD9 and inflammasome signaling for interleukin-1β production.
Nature Immunology 2009; 11:63-9.
JIF 26.2 - Schmidt A, Schwerd T, Hellmuth J, Sheng C, Wenzel M, Hoffmann F, Poeck H, Michallet MC, Besch R, Hopfner KP, Endres S, Rothenfusser S.
5'-triphosphate RNA requires base-paired structures to activate anti-viral signaling via RIG-I.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2009; 106:12067-72.
JIF 9.7 - Poeck H, Besch R, Maihoefer C, Renn M, Tormo D, Morskaya S S, Kirschnek S, Gaffal E, Landsberg J, Hellmuth J, Schmidt A, Anz D, Bscheider M, Schwerd T, Berking C, Bourquin C, Kalinke U, Kremmer E, Kato H, Akira S, Meyers R, Häcker G, Neuenhahn M, Busch D H, Rothenfusser S , Prinz M, Hornung V, Endres S, Tüting T, Hartmann G.
Therapeutic anti-tumor efficacy of 5´-triphosphate-siRNA depends on simultaneous gene-silencing and immuno-stimulatory activity.
Nature Medicine 2008; 14:1256-63.
JIF 24.3 - Rothenfusser S, Hornung V, Ayyoub M, Britsch S, Towarowski A, Krug A, Sarris A, Lubenow N, Speiser D, Endres S, Hartmann G.
CpG-A and CpG-B oligonucleotides differentially enhance human peptide-specific primary and memory CD8+ T-cell responses in vitro.
Blood 2004; 103:2162-9.
JIF 10.1 - Hornung V, Rothenfusser S, Britsch S, Krug A, Jahrsdorfer B, Giese T, Endres S, Hartmann G.
Quantitative expression of toll-like receptor 1-10 mRNA in cellular subsets of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and sensitivity to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides.
Journal of Immunology 2002; 7:34-44.
JIF 7.3
All Publications
- Santos-Peral, A., F. Luppa, S. Goresch, E. Nikolova, M. Zaucha, L. Lehmann, F. Dahlstroem, H. Karimzadeh, J. Thorn-Seshold, E. Winheim, E.-M. Schuster, G. Dobler, M. Hoelscher, B.M. Kümmerer, S. Endres, K. Schober, A.B. Krug, M. Pritsch, G. Barba-Spaeth, and S. Rothenfusser.
Prior flavivirus immunity skews the yellow fever vaccine response to expand cross-reactive antibodies with increased risk of antibody dependent enhancement of Zika and dengue virus infection.
Research Topics
The working group focuses on four main topics:
1. The genetic and non-genetic factors that affect and predict individual responses to viral infections and vaccinations.
2. The sensing-mechanisms of viral infection by innate immunity,
3. The therapy of tumors with immunostimulatory nucleic acids,
4. The molecular understanding of primary immune deficiency syndromes.
Grants and Networks

Nucleic Acid Immunity
Project B14 in SFB/Transregio (TRR) 237.
Interdisciplinary research network