Top Papers
Doctoral students as co-authors are underlined
1. Gottschlich A, Thomas M, Grünmeier R, Lesch S, Rohrbacher L, Igl V, Briukhovetska D, Benmebarek MR, Vick B, Dede S, Müller K, Xu T, Dhoqina D, Märkl F, Robinson S, Sendelhofert A, Schulz H, Umut Ö, Kavaka V, Tsiverioti Ch, Carlini E, Nandi S, Strzalkowski T, Lorenzini T, Stock S, Müller P, Dörr J, Seifert M, Cadilha B, Brabenec R, Röder N, Rataj F, Nüesch M, Modemann F, Wellbrock J, Fiedler W, Kellner Ch, Beltrán E, Herold T, Paquet D, Jeremias I, von Baumgarten L, Endres S, Subklewe M, Marr C, Kobold S.
Single-cell transcriptomic atlas-guided development of CAR-T cells for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia.
Nature Biotechnology 2023; 2023 Mar 13.
JIF2021 68.2

2. Briukhovetska D, Suarez-Gosalvez J, Voigt C, Markota A, Giannou A, Schuebel M, Jobst J, Zhang T, Doerr J, Mearkl F, Majed L, Meuller PJ, May P, Gottschlich A, Tokarew N, Leucke J, Oener A, Schwerdtfeger M, Andreu-Sanz D, Gruenmeier R, Seifert M, Michaelides S, Hristov M, Koenig LM, Cadilha B, Mikhaylov O, Anders HJ, Rothenfusser S, Flavell R, Cerezo-Wallis D, Tejedo C, Soengas M, Bald T, Huber S, Endres S, Kobold S.
T cell-derived interleukin-22 drives the expression of CD155 by cancer cells to suppress NK cell function and promote metastasis.
Immunity 2023; 143-161.e11.
JIF2021 43.5

3. Boehmer D, Formisano S, de Oliveira Mann C, Mueller S, Kluge M, Metzger P, Rohlfs M, Hörth Ch, Kocheise L, Lichtenthaler S, Hopfner KP, Endres S, Rothenfusser S, Friedel C, Duewell P, Schnurr* M, Koenig* L.
OAS1/RNase L executes RIG-I ligand-dependent tumor cell apoptosis.
Science Immunology 2021; 61, eabe2550.
JIF2021 30.6

4. Di Pilato M*, Kfuri-Rubens R*, Pruessmann J*, Ozga AJ*, Messemaker M, Cadilha B, Sivakumar R, Cianciaruso Ch, Warner RD, Marangoni F, Carrizosa E, Lesch S, Billingsley J, Perez-Ramos D, Zavala F, Rheinbay E, Luster AD, Gerner MY, Kobold S, Pittet MJ, Mempel TR.
CXCR6 positions cytotoxic T cells to receive critical survival signals in the tumor microenvironment.
Cell 2021, 184:4512-30.
JIF2021 66.8
*contributed equally

5. Lesch S, Blumenberg V, Stoiber S, Gottschlich A, Ogonek J, Cadilha B, Dantes Z, Rataj F, Dorman K, Lutz J, Karches C, Heise C, Kurzay M, Larimer B, Grassmann S, Rapp M, Nottebrock A, Kruger S, Tokarew N, Metzger P, Hoerth Ch, Benmebarek MR, Dhoqina D, Gruenmeier R, Seifert M, Oener A, Umut Ö, . . . Rothenfusser S, Duewell P, Koenig L, Schnurr M, Subklewe M, Liss A, Halama N, Reichert M, Mempel T, Endres S, Kobold S.
T cells armed with C-X-C chemokine receptor type 6 enhance adoptive cell therapy for pancreatic tumours
Nature Biomedical Engineering 2021; 35:2243-2257.
JIF2020 29.2

6. Kobold* S, Grassmann* S, Chaloupka M, Lampert C, Wenk S, Kraus F, Rapp M, Duewell P, Zeng Y, Schmollinger J, Schnurr M, Endres S#, Rothenfußer S#.
Impact of a new fusion receptor on PD-1-mediated immunosuppression in adoptive T cell therapy.
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2015; 107.
JIF 15.2

7. Kobold S, Steffen J, Chaloupka M, Grassmann S, Henkel J, Castoldi R, Zeng Y, Chmielewski M, Schmollinger J, Schnurr M, Rothenfußer S, Schendel DJ, Abken H, Sustmann C, Niederfellner CG, Klein C, Bourquin C, Endres S.
Selective bispecific T cell recruiting antibody enhances anti-tumor activity of adoptive T cell transfer.
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2015; 107:364.
JIF 15.2

8. Poeck H, Bscheider M, Gross O, Finger K, Roth S, Rebsamen M, Hannesschläger N, Schlee M, Rothenfusser S, Barchet W, Kato H, Akira S, Inoue S, Endres S, Peschel C, Hartmann G, Hornung V, Ruland J.
Recognition of RNA virus by RIG-I results in activation of CARD9 and inflammasome signaling for interleukin 1 beta production.
Nature Immunology 2010; 11:63-9
JIF 26.2

9. Gross O, Poeck H, Bscheider M, Dostert C, Hannesschlaeger N, Endres S, Tardivel A, Tschopp J, Ruland J.
Syk kinase signaling couples to the Nalp3 inflammasome for anti-fungal host defense.
Nature 2009; 459:433-6
JIF 38.6

10. Hornung V, Ellegast J, Kim S, Brzozka K, Jung A, Kato H, Poeck H, Akira S, Conzel-mann KK, Schlee M, Endres S, Hartmann G.
5’-triphosphate RNA is the ligand for RIG-I.
Science 2006; 314:994-997.
JIF 35.3

11. Hornung V, Guenthner-Biller M, Bourquin C, Ablasser A, Schlee M, Uematsu S, Noronha A, Manoharan M, Akira S, de Fougerolles A, Endres S, Hartmann G.
Sequence-specific potent induction of IFN-a by short interfering RNA in plasmacytoid dendritic cells through TLR7.
Nature Medicine 2005; 11:263-70.
JIF 30.6