The German Society for Infectious Diseases (DGI) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) are hosting their biennial joint conference, which plays a crucial role in advancing research into infectious diseases. The conference serves as a prominent platform for knowledge sharing, interdisciplinary collaborations, and discussing strategies for prevention, containment, and treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, it offers a dedicated track for clinical practice and focuses on emerging challenges in this field, including postinfectious syndromes, gender-specific susceptibility, and phage therapy. This highly anticipated event also aims to provide opportunities for education and career development for young researchers in the field. This conference remains a significant tradition in the realm of infectious disease research and is essential for protecting public health and enhancing global well-being.
Main topics:
Infections at Interfaces Immune Prevention and Therapy Chronic Infections Tropical and Emerging Infections Antimicrobial Resistance Current and future challenges in infectious diseases
Am Samstag, 14. September 2024, präsentiert sich die LMU Medizin von 10 bis 16 Uhr beim Tag der Offenen Tür am Campus Großhadern mit einem vielfältigen Programm für die gesamte Familie: mit Vorträgen, Führungen, Infoständen und Mitmach-Aktionen. Dazu gibt es ein buntes und spannendes Rahmenprogramm mit Aktivitäten für Kinder, Foodtrucks und Musik.