Healthy through medical studies: an international DFG network
""- Healthy through medical studies: an international DFG network
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is funding a network of researchers from Germany and Austria with about €23,000 to address the issue of health among medical students. A special focus will be placed on prevention and health promotion. The aim of the network, which will last at least 2 years, is to jointly clarify the state of research regarding the question of what keeps medical students healthy during their studies.
National and international studies show that the health of future doctors already deteriorates significantly during their studies. In order to enable as many medical students as possible to have a "healthy study" and to strengthen them for the future challenges of their professional goal, the network is preparing a multicentre observational study to identify protective influences on student health. The long-term goal is the development and implementation of health-promoting interventions, both at the individual and the setting level, from which other study programmes can also benefit in the future.
The network consists of:
Dr. med. S. Fuchs and Dipl.-Soz. M. Heise (both Section of General Medicine, University of Halle-Wittenberg), Dr. med. Th. Kötter (Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, University of Lübeck), Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Soz. K. Voigt, MPH and H. Riemenschneider, MA, MPH (both Department of General Medicine, TU Dresden), Dr. med. univ. C. Vajda (University Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Graz), Dr. rer. nat. Linda Sanftenberg and Prof. Dr. med. J. Schelling (both Institute of General Medicine, LMU Munich).
Funding code: FU 1073/2-1
Coordination: Dr. Fuchs (Halle;
Spokesperson: Dr. Kötter (Lübeck;
- Kötter T, Fuchs S, Heise M, Riemenschneider H, Sanftenberg L, Vajda C, Voigt K. What keeps medical students healthy and well? A systematic review of observational studies on protective factors for health and well-being during medical education. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Apr 1;19(1):94. doi: 10.1186/s12909-019-1532-z.
- Schelling J, Voigt K, Riemenschneider H, Kötter T, Fuchs S, Sanftenberg L, Vajda C, Heise M. Was hält zukünftige (Haus-) Ärztinnen und Ärzte gesund? ZFA 2017; 93(2): 89–90. doi: 10.3238/zfa.2017.0089-0090