MobilE-Net study
Participation through Mobility in Old Age - Cooperation Network for Evidence-based Health Services Research
This BMBF questionnaire study (lead: Prof. Dr. Eva Grill, IBE Munich) aims to develop multiprofessional care pathways that focus on mobility and participation of older GP patients with dizziness and balance disorders. The first results are expected in 2020.
- Katzenberger B, Koller D, Strobl R, Kisch R, Sanftenberg L, Voigt K, Grill E. Referral trajectories in patients with vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders and their impact on health-related quality of life and functioning: results from the longitudinal multicenter study MobilE-TRA. J Neurol. 2022 Dec;269(12):6211-6221. doi: 10.1007/s00415-022-11060-8. Epub 2022 Mar 30.
- Sanftenberg L, Dirscherl A, Schelling J, Gensichen J, Voigt K, Bergmann A, Katzenberger B, Grill E. Hausärztliche Versorgungsqualität und Lebensqualität aus Sicht älterer Patienten mit Gon- und Coxarthrose : Ergebnisse aus der Kohortenstudie MobilE-TRA [Quality of care in family practice and quality of life from the point of view of older patients with gon- and coxosteoarthritis - results from the MobilE-TRA cohort study]. MMW Fortschr Med. 2021 Dec;163(Suppl 6):19-26. German. doi: 10.1007/s15006-021-0455-x.
- Sanftenberg L, Bühler K, Rottenkolber M, Dreischulte T, Schelling J, Gensichen J, Voigt K, Bergmann A, Katzenberger B, Grill E. Hausärztliche Versorgungsqualität und Lebensqualität aus der Sicht älterer Patienten mit Schwindel : Ergebnisse der Kohortenstudie MobilE-TRA [Quality of primary care and quality of life from the point of view of older patients with dizziness. Results oft the cohort study MobilE-TRA]. MMW Fortschr Med. 2021 Apr;163(Suppl 4):11-18. German. doi: 10.1007/s15006-021-9703-3.
- Kisch R, Bergmann A, Koller D, Leidl R, Mansmann U, Mueller M, Sanftenberg L, Schelling J, Sundmacher L, Voigt K, Grill E. Patient trajectories and their impact on mobility, social participation and quality of life in patients with vertigo/dizziness/balance disorders and osteoarthritis (MobilE-TRA): study protocol of an observational, practice-based cohort study. BMJ Open. 2018 Apr 21;8(4):e022970. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022970.