Dynamische Stand- und Gangkontrolle
Sensory contributions to dynamic balance control
Principle Investigator: PD Dr. rer. nat, M.A. Max Wühr
Our group is interested in the interplay between sensory feedback and predictive feed-forward mechanism in the regulation of healthy and pathological stance and gait. Another research focus is devoted to the development of new, clinically implementable techniques for an automated assessment and classification of postural and gait impairments. Using these techniques, we examine the consequences of disturbed peripheral and central sensory regulation of posture and develop predictive models for the identification of postural instability and risk of falling. A therapeutic focus of our research addresses the development of a new, non-invasive vestibular balance prosthesis based on the phenomenon of vestibular stochastic resonance.
I) Interplay between sensory feedback and predictive feed-forward regulation of stance and gait

II) New vestibular stimulation paradigms for treatment of patients with vertigo and balance disorders

III) Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying subjective imbalance and vertigo

- Gait analysis, posturography, video-oculography,
- Sensory stimulation: galvanic vestibular stimulation, motion platform, virtual reality
- Machine learning, predictive modelling
- Computational modelling
Selected publications:
- Dietrich H, Heidger F, Schniepp R, MacNeilage PR, Glasauer S, Wuehr M. Head motion predictability explains activity-dependent suppression of vestibular balance control. Sci Rep 2020; 10:668.
- Schniepp R, Möhwald K, Wuehr M. Clinical and automated gait analysis in patients with vestibular, cerebellar, and functional gait disorders: perspectives and limitations. J Neurol 2019; 266(Suppl 1):118-122.
- Wuehr M, Schlick C, Möhwald K, Schniepp R. Walking in orthostatic tremor modulates tremor features and is characterized by impaired gait stability. Sci Rep 2018; 8(1):14152.
- Wuehr M, Boerner JC, Pradhan C, Decker J, Jahn K, Brandt T, Schniepp R. Stochastic resonance in the human vestibular system – noise-induced facilitation of vestibulospinal reflexes. Brain Stimul 2017; 11(2):261-263.
- Schniepp R, Schlick C, Schenkel F, Pradhan C, Jahn K, Brandt T, Wuehr M. Clinical and neuro-physiological risk factors for falls in patients with bilateral vestibulopathy. J Neurol 2016; 264(2):277-283.
- Wuehr M, Brandt T, Schniepp R. Distracting attention in phobic postural vertigo normalizes leg muscle activity and balance. Neurology 2016; 88(3):284-288.
- Wuehr M, Nusser E, Krafczyk S, Straube A, Brandt T, Jahn K, Schniepp R. Noise-enhanced vestibular input improves dynamic walking stability in healthy subjects. Brain Stim 2016; 9(1):109-116.
- Wuehr M, Nusser E, Decker J, Krafczyk S, Straube A, Brandt T, Jahn K, Schniepp R. Noisy vestibular stimulation improves dynamic walking stability in bilateral vestibulopathy. Neurology 2016; 86(23):2196-202.
- Schniepp R, Schlick C, Pradhan C, Dieterich M, Brandt T, Jahn K, Wuehr M. The interrelationship between disease severity, dynamic stability, and falls in cerebellar ataxia. J Neurol 2016; 263(7):1409-17.
PhD Haike Dietrich
Dr. med. Josef Penkava
PhD Tina Tsai
PD Dr. rer. nat., M.A. Max Wühr