Dear colleagues,
- The symposium will have sessions for free communications, presented during poster sessions. The organizing committee invites free communications from all fields of Cushing research. The best abstracts will be selected for oral presentations.
- We are also pleased to offer 3 Travel Grants (each 500 €) for the best free communications to attend the IMPROCUSH symposium. The organizing committee will decide on the travel grants by June 10th, 2025.
- There is no registration fee, but you have to register via email Improcush(at)med.uni-muenchen.de or here directly on our website
- Confirmation of attendance will be on a first come first serve basis and attendance is limited because of space restrictions.
Please send your application as email to Improcush(at)med.uni-muenchen.de together with your abstract including the following items and formatting:
1. Name
2. Day of birth
3. Institution
4. Address
5. Arial with line spacing 1.5 and font size 12
6. Maximum 500 words
7. Title
8. Word - file (as it will be used in the congress booklet)
Abstract submission deadline: 15 May 2025
Congress registration deadline: 1 June 2025