Dear colleagues,
Cushing’s syndrome has remained a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge since its first description by Harvey Cushing in 1912. Over the last decades, much progress has been made in the care of patients with Cushing’s syndrome. Surgical procedures have been refined and new medical treatments have reached the market. Despite these advances, timely diagnosis and treatment remain one of the great challenges world-wide. This symposium, therefore, aims to address some of these issues by gathering leading experts in diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.
More recently the understanding of the genetics and pathophysiology of Cushing’s syndrome has made significant progress. Whether this will have an impact on treatment cannot yet be determined. However, the symposium will address this question by reflecting on some of the more recent advances.
After four successful IMPROCUSH (Improving Outcome of Cushing’s Syndrome) meetings since 2014, we are happy to announce the fifth symposium of this kind. IMPROCUSH-5 will be based on an international faculty with experts from around the world. Investigators will have the opportunity to present their most recent data as short oral communications or as posters. Plenty of time will be dedicated for discussion.
The symposium is jointly sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung.
We cordially invite you to attend this prime scientific event!
Martin Reincke