AG Anders (Necroinflammation, regeneration)
Professor H.-J. Anders

Renal Division, Department of Medicine IV,
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Professor of Nephrology
Head of Renal Division, Inner City Campus
Hans-Joachim Anders is s Professor of Nephrology at the University of Munich (LMU). He works on the molecular mechanisms of kidney injury and repair. Specifically, the research of the Anders group focuses the mechanisms kidney necroinflammation in ischemic, embolic, and toxic forms of acute kidney injury. Another focus is kidney remodelling in chronic kidney disease. The Anders group identifies and validates potential treatment targets including. Preclinical drug testing is explored also in public-private partnerships.
Nephrologisches Zentrum Medizinische Klinik IV
80336 München
Hans-Joachim Anders qualified as MD from the University of Würzburg 1995, where he performed his doctoral thesis in experimental cardiology. He started his clinical training as an internist at LMU Munich and specialized in nephrology under the Professor Detlef Schlöndorff.
Further clinical training included rheumatology and scientific training in immunology. Being a physician scientist, lupus and lupus nephritis is of particular interest, clinically and experimentally.
Since 2011 and currently he is head of the renal division at the Inner City Campus of the LMU Klinikum and of the associated research laboratories.
He has lectured widely across the world both on science and clinical nephrology. He was awarded the Outstanding Basic Science Contributions to Nephrology award by the European Renal Association.
Research Topics
- Activation and regulation of innate immunity in the kidney
- Novel treatments for lupus nephritis and other forms of CKD
- Embolic disease and associated kidney infarction
- Crystallopathies of the kidney
- The role of the immune system in kidney regeneration versus atrophy
Postgraduate supervision
- 51 completed PhD and MD students (magna/summa cum laude), >10 underway
- Numerous postdoctoral guest researchers from Japan, Brazil, France, …
- Talented Medical and PhD students are welcome for experimental kidney research
Other activities
- ERA-EDTA Secretary of Scientific advisory board (2015-today)
- ERA-EDTA Board of Immunonephrology Working Group (2016-today)
- Dutch Kidney Foundation International Scientific Advisory Board (2014-2020)
- International Society of Nephrology, West-European Board (2017- today)
- Associate Editor J Am Soc Nephrol (2017-today), Nephrol Dial Transplantation (2017-today)
- Advisor: Nat Rev Nephrol (2014-today)