General information
hotel rooms can be reserved at discounted rates in the following LMU cooperation hotels:
1. Hotel Amalienburg:
Address: Amalienburgstraße 24-26, 81247 Munich - close to the venue
LMU prices for the rooms: Single room 105€/Double room 121€ (breakfast costs 14€ additionally).
==> Please note, that the contingent of rooms is reserved only until September 12, 2024
Booking Code: PIPA-8 (please refer to Dunja Reiss)
2. Leonardo Boutique Hotel Munich
Address: Amalienstraße 25, 80333 Munich
LMU prices for the rooms: Single room 97€/Double room 107€ (breakfast included)
Booking Code: LMU24
3. Das kleine Hotel in München
Address: Sandstrasse 21, 80335 Munich
LMU prices for the rooms: Small single room 75€/Small double room 85€ (breakfast included)
Big single room 85€/Big double room 108€ (breakfast included)
4. Ruby Lilly Hotel Munich
Address: Dachauer Straße 37, 80335 Munich
LMU prices for the rooms: Instead of a fixed price you have a discount rate from 12% to the current daily rate.
Booking Code: LMU
The Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation is an independent institution for the promotion of science which has been running an extensive scientific programme in its house in Nymphenburg since 1960 (approx. 9,000 visitors per year), awards fellowships to outstanding scientists and has supported university and research libraries in Germany with more than 65 million euros for the acquisition of urgently needed scientific literature in recent years