Department / Section / Working Groups
Main focus
Barbara B. Barton, M. Sc.
Dr. med. Jonas Björklund
Non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS, [r]TMS), depressive disorders, neuroimaging, clinical trials
PD Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Brunnauer
Research Group on Driving Ability and Inn-Salzach Hospital Wasserburg
Depression, psychopharmaceuticals, antidepressants and driving ability
Dr. Dr. med. Lucia Bulubas
Non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS, [r]TMS), multimodal imaging (fMRI, MEG, MRS), psychiatric disorders (Depression, Schizophrenie), plasticity
Dr. med. Gerrit Burkhardt
Non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS, TMS), depressive disorders, clinical trials
Esther Dechantsreiter, M. Sc
Non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS, [r]TMS), Home-Treatment, psychiatric disorders (Depression)
Therapeutic neuromodulation (TMS/tDCS), Psychopharmacology, Experimental methods to provoke anxiety, Depression research, Transplantation psychiatry
Head of Department
Neurobiology of psychotic disorders, brain research
Yun Wai Foo, MSc.
eye-tracking, task-based fMRI, predictive processing, autism spectrum disorder
Prof. Dr. Stephan Goerigk
Predictive modeling, longitudinal cluster analysis, latent class growth analysis in the framework of RCTs; optimizing psychological-psychiatric assessment for early retirement; social exclusion and childhood maltreatment; psychiatric disorders (Depression, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder)
Prof. Dr. W. Greil
Prevention in affective disorders, AMSP (Drug safety in psychiatry)
Therapy research, care research, Guideline development
Andreas Huth
Non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS, [r]TMS), depressive disorders, clinical trials
Cyberball paradigms, oxytocin, global care research
Multimodal imaging, Electroencephalography (EEG), simultaneous recording of EEG and fMRI, fMRI-based neurofeedback, Neurobiological aspects of cognitive functions, functional imaging and fMRI-based neurofeedback in addiction disorders, Neurobiological principles of psychotherapy
Dr. Daniel Keeser
Multimodal imaging of neuropsychiatric disorder, Non-invasive brain stimulation in psychiatric disorders, Connectome – functional and structural connectivity of the human brain, Electroencephalography (EEG) in the study of dynamics in the human brain
Genetics of addiction disorders, Illegal drugs
PRONIA, Early Diagnosis
Dr. Dominic Landgraf
Circadian biology, depression, bipolar disorder, metabolic diseases
Fiona Mandausch, Msc. Student
Member of the Working Group on Cell Signaling
Dr. med. Isabel Maurus
Neurobiological effects of exercise, Cognition in people with schizophrenia, Barriers and motivating factors towards regular physical activity, Mental health burdens in professional athletes
Yuki Mizutani-Tiebel, M.Sc.
Non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS, [r]TMS), multimodal imaging (fMRI, MEG, MRS), Electric field modeling (SimNIBS), Psychiatric disorders (depression, schizophrenia)
Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Anne-Maria Möller-Leimkühler
Sex-specific aspects, sex-sensitive depression screening, Research in the relatives of mentally ill people, Gender and mental illness, Patient satisfaction
Dr. med. univ. Susanna Muckenhuber-Sternbauer
Pharmacogenetics, Evaluation of DBT programmes, genetics, Metabolism in psychiatry, Working Group on Tourette Syndrome / Clinical studies, Acupuncture in psychiatry
Afton Nelson, MSc.
task-fMRI, social interaction, Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cyberball paradigms, CBASP programme in chronic depressive disorders; Working Group on Psychotherapy Research, non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, Psychooncology
PD Dr. med. Ulrich Palm
Research on non-invasive brain stimulation techniques
Dr. rer. nat. Sergi Papiol
GWAS, genetics of risk factors, biobank
Alzheimer Memory Centre
Imaging, genetics and biomarker research
Dr. Irene Plank
Neurale und behaviorale Korrelate sozialer Interaktionen, Synchronie und Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen
Neurophysiology and Functional imaging, Addiction disorders
Dr. med. Andrea Rabenstein
Tobacco outpatient clinic
Addiction disorders / research
Tobacco Dependence
Smoking cessation program, Nicotine pharmacokinetics and smoking behaviour, sexualised drug use (chemsex)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Moritz Rossner
Molecular biology of risk genes, GWAS
M. Sc. Lukas Röll
Aerobic exercise in psychiatric disorders, structural and functional MRI
Tobacco outpatient clinic
Functional imaging in tobacco addiction, Smoking cessation program, Biofeedback for smoking cessation,
Sexualised drug use (chemsex)
Prof. Dr. med. Leonhard Schilbach
Störungen der sozialen Interaktion bei psychischen Erkrankungen, funktionelle Bildgebung, dyadisches Motion-Tracking, fMRT-gestützte TMS, psychotherapeutische Behandlung von Störungen der sozialen Interaktion
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kolja Schiltz
Forensic psychiatry
Expert opinions, neurobiology of forensically relevant disorders, neuroimaging, treatment quality
Prof. Dr. Andrea Schmitt
Brain bank, next generation sequencing, microscopy, proteomics, Working Group on the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia,
Neuropsychopharmacology, Pharmacoepidemiology
Depression research, affects of psychopharmaceuticals in depression, AMSP (Drug safety in psychiatry)
Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Voderholzer
Behavioural therapy, Molecular neurobiology
Eating disorders, Psychotherapy and care research, mental illnesses, Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Working Group on Epigenetics, Molecular genetics and epigenetics, Pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, pharmacoproteomics, Functional genomics, proteomics, Neurobiology and neurochemistry of psychiatric disorders, Performing clinical studies in schizophrenia
Prof. Dr. Peter Zwanzger
Inn-Salzach-Klinikum Wasserburg
Psychotherapy research, Neurobiological processes in anxiety disorders, Experimental treatment methods/virtual reality