Study center psychiatry - SCP

Department study coordinator
PD Dr. rer. nat. Peter Zill
Medical administration
PD Dr. med. Cornelius Schüle
Data management
Maria Simon, MSc
As a psychiatric university hospital our tasks go beyond providing comprehensive support to people in crisis or difficult life situations and treating people with mental illness. As a hospital where famous researchers such as Alois Alzheimer and Emil Kraepelin already advanced the psychiatric field, we see it as our duty to conduct basic research and perform a wide variety of clinical studies to expand knowledge and thus open up new treatment options for patients.
Our study centre provides information about current research projects for interested parites, serves as contact point for questions about the various areas of clinical research and relevant information about participating in a study.
We help researchers at our hospital implementing their research projects by supporting:
- Evaluating study proposals by companies
- Preparing the necessary documents
- Entering data into electronic databases (eCRFs)
- Developing and preparing so-called patient files to document research results
- Collecting the necessary materials (e.g. for blood sampling)
- Ensuring proper storage of study drugs (e.g. monitoring access and temperature)
- After completion of the study, archiving study documents in the study archive in accordance with legal requirements
Regular qualification of study personnel – doctors, psychologists, nursing staff – to comply with regulations and important institutions:
- AMG and MPG – (German Drug Law and Medicinal Products Act)
- GCP and ICH - (Good Clinical Practice and International Conference for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)
- BfArM and PEI as BOBs – (Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and Paul Ehrlich Institute as higher federal authorities)
- Local and leading ethics committees
In other words, the SCP is the pivotal contact point for everyone involved in clinical research – patients and researchers alike.
PD Dr. rer. nat. Peter Zill
Department study coordinator