Working Group on Acupuncture in Psychiatry

Head: Dr. med. Richard Musil
In recent years acupuncture has become increasingly integrated into multimodal treatment approaches for psychiatric disorders. In particular ear acupuncture according to the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol, which was first used in addiction disorders, is being offered more frequently on general psychiatric and psychotherapeutic wards. This type of acupuncture is also now very often used in acute stress reactions and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Besides the NADA-protocol, the scientific evidence for body acupuncture in various psychiatric disorders is steadily growing.
Our working group studies the possibilities for implementing ear acupuncture according to the NADA protocol and its effectiveness in different areas. We also develop new treatment strategies by applying palpation-based acupuncture in primarily trauma-related disorders.
Main areas of interest
- NADA protocol in different settings
- Palpation-based acupuncture
- Acupuncture-based exposition
- Acupuncture in trauma-related disorders
- Evaluation of a case series of acupuncture-based exposition (ABE) in patients with PTSD or postpartal depression
- NADA ear acupuncture in the symptomatic treatment of agitation in people with dementia: a randomised controlled rater-blinded pilot study (NAP study) – funded by NADA German Section e.V.
- Acupuncture in psychiatry and psychosomatics – a differentiated analysis of its use in German psychiatric and psychosomatic hospitals and the associated opportunities and limitations
This link will take you to an overview of the most important publications of our working group.
- Eva Maria Hofer, MD
- Katharina Merz, MD
- Christoph Colling, doctoral student in medicine
- Christina Dietz, doctoral student in medicine
- Alina Lialiukhina, doctoral student in medicine
We regularly organise symposia on the topic of acupuncture in psychiatry in collaboration with the German Medical Society for Acupuncture (DÄGfA).