Online marketing
Online marketing includes all marketing measures and implements them in online media (internet, intranet, extranet, mobile devices). If you want to acquire new customers/prospects and retain them in the long term, you should not do without online marketing. There are many sub-areas of online marketing.
Opportunities for facilities at the LMU Clinic
We recommend that you pay particular attention to the area of search engine marketing, as Google makes the visibility of a page largely dependent on the correct keywords and metadata used. Another important point is link management, which you will also find under the Search Engine Marketing menu item.
Further measures in"search engine marketing","content marketing" and"social media marketing" should ensure that an optimal ranking can be achieved for your website and thus more people visit your website. Please note that online marketing with the measures proposed by us represents work over a period of approx. 6 months in addition to normal clinic operations - but the success is worth it!
We realize that you can't do everything at once. However, you must be aware that every small point you implement is a big step in the right direction.
Since the online marketing aspect of websites has become enormously important, we are happy to support you in this, have already gained experience in pilot operations and will continue to contribute further measures on this topic for you in the future.

Search engine marketing
The aim of search engine marketing (SEM) is to ensure that your own website has the highest possible ranking after a search. SEM is so important because every Internet user now uses search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. to find products, services and information. SEM is divided into search engine advertising "SEA" (Search Engine Advertising) and search engine optimization "SEO" (Search Engine Optimization).

Content Marketing
"Content is king!" Content marketing should appeal to target groups with high-quality and relevant content in order to convince them of your company and retain them in the long term. The content must offer the respective target group added value. The best-known techniques include infographics, studies, surveys, podcasts and, of course, informative texts and images.

Social Media Marketing
Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are used to run trendy, innovative and target group-oriented advertising campaigns. The aim is to present your own company, products or services in order to attract and retain potential customers. It is important to regularly "post" new information in order to keep interested parties up to date and keep them informed. SMM is also important for search engine optimization, as articles linked or "shared" via social networks are considered significantly more interesting than comparable articles without social activity. The so-called "social signals" to a website thus become a relevant ranking factor!

By procuring the new WCMS "SCRIVITO" and the associated web customer relationship management tool "Just Relate", we can support you in optimizing your web presence with regard to online marketing.
Your challenge and our support!
"To stay ahead of the competition, you must not only satisfy the customer, but also inspire them with your service."
Philip Kotler