Path to the website in CMS Fiona
The CMS Fiona project is currently no longer being developed, as the new Scrivito system has replaced the websites in Fiona. However, the application management and therefore the support for CMS Fiona remain unchanged.
All internet and intranet presences of the LMU Klinikum were presented in a uniform look and feel and created centrally in a web content management system (WCMS Fiona). The following procedure - in seven steps - made it easier to get started:
01 - Fiona training courses
In order to learn how to expand the web presence for your institution, we offer basic training courses at regular intervals. We limit the training series to the implementation of Fiona basic training courses. Only after successful participation in the basic training course are you authorized to work in the WCMS of the clinic.
02 - Domains
LMU Klinikum standard domain
When you apply for the Fiona core package/website framework, the web address for your INTRAnet site is automatically set up in the LMU Klinikum's WCMS Fiona. The name of the institution will be used.
The website will be forwarded to the URL
How to proceed
There is no further work for you and no costs, the domains are configured and provided automatically.
03 - Core packages & Fiona access
The "Fiona core package" is the basic framework for an intranet site in the LMU Klinikum's WCMS (Web Content Management System) Fiona. Trained editors can use it to develop and expand the website.
The Fiona core package, or authorization to use it, is only made available after a responsible person has attended a basic training course.
When allocating the Fiona core packages, the guidelines set out in the Executive Board resolution must be observed. Approval in this regard is granted by the Communications and Media Unit.
Please note that due to the changeover to the new CMS SCRIVITO , a core package (Fiona) will only be created for an INTRAnet presence in exceptional cases. Please explain in the e-mail what the INTRAnet siteis to be used for.
You must also apply for an identifier at the same time.
Note: INTERnet appearances are now only created in SCRIVITO.
For existing web presences in Fiona (INTRAnet), you can continue to apply for identifiers after attending the basic Fiona training course and we will authorize you to edit the desired website.
Please let us know in the e-mail for which existing site you would like authorization and provide your contact details, i.e. surname, first name, institution, e-mail address, telephone.
04 - Corporate design
The consistent and unmistakable appearance (corporate design) of the LMU Klinikum's websites is regulated by the style guide.
Despite a number of stipulations, there is plenty of scope for creative layout design and an individual touch for clinics, departments, institutes, nursing and special research areas.
Editors can get an idea of the numerous possibilities and interpretations of the corporate design by going to the core packages of other LMU Klinikum institutions in the authoring system (de folder) and viewing the appearances (live or in planning) in the separate preview.
Before a website goes live for the first time, it is checked by the Web Requirements and Services department with regard to the corporate design.
The check includes, among other things
- Use of and compliance with image sizes at the LMU Klinikum
- Correct size of the header image and designation in the 3rd box
- Correctly placed markup (headings, colors, bulleted lists, etc.)
- Menu structured according to target groups
- Optimal use of the templates
You can find all information about the Dos & Don'ts in the style guide.
05 - Content check Fiona
Before a new website goes live for the first time in the WCMS (Fiona), the content of the website is checked in addition to the corporate design. The check is carried out by the Communications and Media department. The aim is to ensure that no internal LMU Klinikum information is published.
If you have any questions, please contact the Communications and Media Office:
06 - Go live Fiona
- Once the editorial work has been completed and the head of the institution wishes the website to go live, the content is checked by the Communications and Media staff unit and the visual appearance (corporate design) by the Web Requirements and Services staff unit (see steps 05-Content check Fiona and 04-Corporate design).
- To ensure that the pages are actually exported to the web, the publication mechanism is released by the Web Requirements and Services department after the checks have been approved.
- After initial approval, individual files can be approved simultaneously in the menu bar within Fiona under "Workflow" - "Approve..." and several files under "Workflow" - "Complete processing...".
- Files in which one or more mandatory fields are not filled in (displayed as "Error in version" in the tree/column view on the right-hand side) cannot be released
- Only released files are exported to the web (approx. 30 minutes after release)
- Important: Before setting up the publishing mechanism, practicing and experimenting in the WCMS Fiona is completely safe. It is highly recommended that you view the website in the separate preview (with default setting: "View", "Set display...", "Released versions") before the first live version, but also before each desired release. This allows you to easily check whether the page(s) actually look the way you want them to and that nothing has been forgotten. (Example "Released versions" display: "Imprint" and "Contact" are not linked in the footer or not displayed as links if not previously released)
- As soon as approval has been granted, you can independently make further changes to the website live without further checks.
All live updates are then made exclusively by your editorial work in the authoring system. It is no longer necessary for us or the Communications and Media department to be involved.
07 - Web analysis Fiona
All access to the website is recorded (log files) from the time it first goes live. Web statistics can therefore be called up online at any time.
We will send you the necessary access data (url and password) by e-mail after going live.
Please contact if you do not (or no longer) know the access data.