Template system
The template system in the LMU Klinikum's CMS Fiona authoring system is available for you to read about the use of templates and their fields in detail (General information, Templates) or to view them (Cheat sheet).
ATTENTION: The cheat sheet has been moved to the intranet authoring system. As a result, you can now only access it within the hospital's MedVer network!
Due to the system changeover (Fiona --> SCRVITO) there will be no further development of the templates!
- Tree view
Lower levels can only be opened by clicking on the triangle - Column view
Usually more advantageous as it is clearer and, above all, faster - List view
Selection of several elements simultaneously possible, advantageous when deleting, cutting, copying several files - Thumbnail view
Advantageous when working with images - Detailed view
Editing the various field groups is possible - Preview
"Normal" display of web pages with editing icons - Separate preview
Actual display of the web pages (various settings possible under "View" - "Set display...")
The fields of a template are summarized in field groups to ensure a better overview.
In the WCMS Fiona of the LMU Klinikum, the following 4 field groups can be found in all templates:
This field group exists in every template and contains fields that control the display of the page. As a rule, this field group contains the following fields:
- Show in navigation (cross-template - possible values: yes, no)
Controls whether this page is displayed in the menu navigation
- Navigation name (cross-template - free text)
Is displayed as the name in the menu and in the page guide. If this field is not filled, the title of the page is automatically used.
Recommendation: If the title of the page is (very) long, choose a short, concise navigation name for this page.
- Show object (template-specific - possible values: yes, no)
Controls whether this page appears in the list of the parent page. See also Containter.
- Show title (as heading)? (cross-template - selection. Possible values: yes, no)
Controls whether the title is displayed as a heading on the page.
- Order (cross-template - free text)
Controls the positioning of the page in the menu navigation. If the order is not specified, the page is automatically sorted alphabetically according to the title.
Recommendation: Jumps of tens or hundreds allow another page to be inserted between two menu items (e.g. 010, 020, 030,... or 0100, 0200, 0300, ...).
- Header image (cross-template - link to a header image)
If a header image is selected, it is used for this page and all pages below it. This field is therefore mandatory on the start page.
- Show in alphabetical index (template-specific - possible values: yes, no)
Controls whether this page is listed in an alphabetical index (see also template index)
- Indexname1 (optional) (template-specific - free text)
Is listed as a term in the alphabetical index. If the index name1 is empty, the title is used.
- Indexname2 (optional) (template-specific - free text)
Is listed as an additional term in the alphabetical index. To ensure correct sorting within the alphabetical index, a term should be entered in index name2 that follows the term in index name1 in lexicographical order.
- Indexname3 (optional) (template-specific - free text)
Is listed as an additional term in the alphabetical index. To ensure correct sorting within the alphabetical index, a term should be entered in index name3 that follows the term in index name2 in lexicographical order.
- File extension (cross-template - possible values: template-dependent)
This field is usually assigned the value "html".
- Valid from (cross-template - date)
Controls when the page is published on the live server.
- Valid until (cross-template - date)
Controls until when the page remains published on the live server. If this field is empty, the page is valid indefinitely.
- Channels (template-specific - possible values: None, News, Job offer, Incident report, Appointments, Automated to Twitter)
Folders and documents assigned to this/these channel/s are displayed as an RSS feed that can be subscribed to (see also RSS feed template).
Attention: Only published folders/documents are displayed in the RSS feed in the preview.
This field group is template-specific and is explained separately for each template.
See also Templates.
The field is an exception:
- Person responsible for content (cross-template - free text)
If this field is filled in, the person responsible for the content is shown at the bottom of the page.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Search engines evaluate fields in this field group to compile the search results. This field group is available for some templates (see documentation for the respective templates).
"Pagetitle", "Keywords" and "Description" are entered as so-called meta tags in the HTML code of the website. They are not directly visible on the website. Depending on the search engine, these entries are taken into account. You can use "Keywords" to improve the search results in search engines for finding your website. The "Description" is displayed in the first explanatory text lines of your website in the search results.
"Pagetitle", "Keywords" and "Description" can be entered not only for the homepage, but also for folders below it or even individual pages. If there is no entry for "Keywords"/"Description" for a page, the entry of the next folder above that has entries in these fields is used.
- Pagetitle ( free text)
The pagetitle is used as the page title of the website for search robots. If the page title is empty, the title of the page is entered as the page title.
- Keywords (text)
Format: keyword1, keyword2, etc. This is possible on one or more lines.
- Description (text)
Format: Normal text
Important note: To optimize the search results of your website in search engines, the keywords should also appear in the text and/or in the menu items of your website.
Not used
In Infopark CMS Fiona, there are some standard fields that cannot be hidden. This field group contains standard fields that are not used for the corresponding template and can therefore be ignored for editorial work.
The container system
In some cases, there are a number of files of the same template that are grouped together in a collection. This collection folder is called a "container". Due to the recurring use of the container system in some templates, we dedicate a short explanation to this topic. The purpose of such a container is to automatically display all underlying files in a list overview and make them accessible via a link.
In the example of the person container, a list of persons created as individual files with the "Person" template is displayed as a list of links in the "Person container" above it.
The business card system
. Please note that people should be represented using the "Person container" and "Person" templates.
The templates follow a fixed hierarchy. Below you will find a list of all templates and the templates permitted under each one.
- Current
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Media library
- News container
- Service area
- Company news container
- Event container
- Archive container
- Index (alphabetical list)
- news
- Honor/award
- Press release
- Company news
- Event
- Company news container
- Archive container
- Company news
- Operating message category
- Service area
- Operation notification category
- Company news
- Picture gallery
- Service area
- Doctoral thesis container
- Doctoral thesis
- Glossary container
- Glossary entry
- Service area
- Imprint
- Service area
- Standard document
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Service area
- Feedback form
- Service area
- Contact form
- Feedback form
- contact form
- Person-Container
- Service area
- Standard document
- Contact form
- Service area
- Link list
- Service area
- Media library
- Archive container
- Company news container
- News container
- Press release container
- Service area
- Navigation Image link container
- Navigation image link
- News container
- Archive container
- Honor/award
- Index (alphabetical list)
- News category
- News category
- Service area
- News category
- Archive container
- Honor/Award
- Index (alphabetical list)
- News section
- Service area
- News section
- Service area
- Person container
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Person
- Person group
- Service area
- Person group
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Person
- Service area
- Person
- Service area
- Standard document
- Press release container
- Archive container
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Press release
- Service area
- Press release
- Service area
- Publication container
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Publication
- Service area
- RSS container
- RSS feed
- Collection box (dossier)
- Company news container
- Picture gallery
- Link list
- Media library
- Service area
- Slideshow (pictures)
- Slideshow (pictures with text)
- Text block
- Video
- Standard document
- Service area
- Service drop-down category container
- Service drop-down category
- Service Image container
- Image link service
- Image zoom service
- Text block service
- Image link service
- Image zoom service
- Service link list
- Service text block
- Slideshow (images)
- Service area
- Slideshow (images with text)
- Service area
- Slide element
- Standard folder
- Picture gallery
- Direct link (from navigation)
- Feedback form
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Contact form
- Link list
- News container
- Person-Container
- Press release container
- Publication container
- Collection box (dossier)
- Service area
- Slideshow (pictures)
- Slideshow (pictures with text)
- Menu
- Standard document
- Standard folder
- Event container
- video
- Business card
- Home page
- Latest news
- Picture gallery
- Direct link (from navigation)
- Feedback form
- Glossary container
- Imprint
- Contact form
- Contact form
- Link list
- Media library
- Navigation image link container
- News container
- Person container
- Press release container
- Publication container
- RSS container
- Collection box (dossier)
- Service area
- Slideshow (images)
- Slideshow (pictures with text)
- Menu
- Standard document
- Standard folder
- Event container
- video
- Business card
- Text block
- Service area
- Event container
- Archive container
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Service area
- Event category
- Event category
- Event category
- Archive container
- Index (alphabetical list)
- Event category
- video
- Service area
- Business card
- Service area
Cheat sheet
The "cheat sheet" in the LMU Klinikum's WCMS Fiona is intended to be a kind of best-practice example for the use of existing templates. As the name suggests, the "cheat sheet" is intended as a quick introduction where you can quickly view templates and the fields to be filled in.
Like all other websites, the "Cheat sheet" core package is exported regularly and can be accessed as a stand-alone website.
If you want to view the "cheat sheet" in the authoring system itself (WCMS Fiona of the LMU Klinikum) and want to see how the templates are used in the detailed view, you must log in to the authoring system Internet and go to the "cheat sheet" core package.
If you have an Intranet WCMS Fiona authorization, we can set up a read WCMS ID (Internet) for you so that you can view the cheat sheet core package in the Internet WCMS Fiona. Please contact us via our support e-mail address.
ATTENTION: The cheat sheet is only accessible within the MedVer network!