Social networks
A social network is a web or app-based platform that allows users to interact with each other individually and in groups and share digital content such as text, images, links or videos. Social networks are now used privately, professionally and commercially. An (incomplete) list of the most frequently used social networks in Germany.
Getting involved in discussions and interacting on the social web (posts, comments, likes, shares, etc.) are the best ways to get backlinks and spread your brand.
As soon as you operate professional/commercial social platform accounts, content should appear there regularly and a content plan should therefore be created. The best thing to do is for the assigned team to sit down for a brainstorming session and decide which topics are suitable for which platform.
There are no generally applicable recipes for this; it is important that you limit yourself to the core topic of the institution and do not dilute the focus of the targeted channel.

Important here is
You should respond to comments promptly so that you show a genuine interest in this exchange and spread your brand.
If a post is created that generates a particularly high level of interaction, you should remain active, as subsequent posts will also be more widely distributed.
The deliberate establishment of connections between users within one or more social networks is also known as social networking and can bring your own service much more into the focus of service recipients.
Here you will also find the information on the use of social media provided by the Communications and Media department.