Tips for preparing Scrivito websites
Preparatory work - possible without certification and without logging into the Scrivito authoring system
We therefore advise you to start thinking about editorial work without a content management system now:
- what you want to achieve with your website
- what information you want to pass on to whom (target group) with your website
- what content you want to present on your website and in what form
This means that you can already do the lion's share of your work now by defining your content strategy. This drastically shortens the time it takes to set up your new website in Scrivito.
It is worth considering well in advance what your website should, can and must actually serve. You can approach answering these questions from two different directions. On the one hand, it is important to create a concept and, on the other hand, you can check how the content should be prepared and distributed from an online marketing perspective.
The concept

Before you start building your website in Scrivito, you should have concretized the basic structure and functionality of your site. The following points should be defined:
- In the case of a facility site, it is likely to be primarily patients
- How old is my target group? (The target group of the Hauner Children's Hospital website is certainly different from that of the Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research)
- Which region / place of residence does my target group come from?
Possibly also interesting:
- Gender
- Marital status
- What are my overarching topics?
- No more than 7 +/- 2 superordinate topics / main categories
- Where do I assign my subcategories?
- Keep category names as short as possible
- No more than a maximum of four subcategories
With well thought-out categories, users can find their way around your pages quickly and intuitively. In this way, your website conveys professionalism, the time spent on your pages increases and, ideally, you have already gained a new patient. Nested page structures and cryptically named categories or navigation points are confusing and reduce the quality of your website.
- Is there a corporate design? Or color schemes defined by the brand? (Usually the CD of the clinic for facility pages)
- What do I choose as my lead image / key visual? This is the first thing users see of my site. What do I want to convey with it?
- Is my brand recognizable and legible?
- Do I have all the images and logos in the right resolution and size?
- Do I think "mobile"! How does the image look on a small cell phone display?
In addition to the question of taste, design is above all a question of usability, i.e. user-friendliness. Restless design and poorly chosen images not only reduce the quality and relevance of my site in Scrivito, they will also prevent me from keeping users on my site for long and encouraging them to return.
- Keep the target group in mind once again
- Choose the tonality according to the target group
- Address users directly
- Text length - recommendation: keep it short, concise and informative
- Text structure: structure the text with subheadings, bold important keywords
- What additional content or added value do I want to provide and where do I want to place it? This could be infographics, audio or videos, for example
I should define a small guideline ("cheat sheet" for the editors) on how content should be created in Scrivito so that important criteria such as tonality (part of the advertising message that is conveyed to the recipient via style and atmosphere) or text structure are stringent across the individual pages of the website.
The marketing

Once you have defined the structure and functionality of your site, the following marketing questions should be clarified:
Think about what you have to say and what content you want to present on your website and how. In the Online Marketing menu item you will find suggestions on the topic of content marketing.
If you want to know how you can structure your content with the new Scrivito, we also recommend that you think about the various types of content under Content marketing under Create content or take a look at existing example websites.
Networking between the website and social media channels is extremely desirable and valuable for the third aspect of search engine marketing, which is not mentioned here.